
Instances of this class provide a description of a particular event which occurred within SWT. The SWT <em>untyped listener</em> API uses these instances for all event dispatching. <p> Note: For a given event, only the fields which are appropriate will be filled in. The contents of the fields which are not used by the event are unspecified. </p>

@see Listener @see org.eclipse.swt.events.TypedEvent @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/examples.php">SWT Example: ControlExample, Listeners</a> @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/">Sample code and further information</a>



Rectangle getBounds()

Gets the bounds.

void setBounds(Rectangle rect)

Sets the bounds.

String toString()

Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.


int button;

the button that was pressed or released; 1 for the first button, 2 for the second button, and 3 for the third button, etc.

wchar character;

depending on the event, the character represented by the key that was typed. This is the final character that results after all modifiers have been applied. For example, when the user types Ctrl+A, the character value is 0x01 (ASCII SOH). It is important that applications do not attempt to modify the character value based on a stateMask (such as SWT.CTRL) or the resulting character will not be correct.

int count;

depending on the event type, the number of following paint events which are pending which may always be zero on some platforms or the number of lines or pages to scroll using the mouse wheel

Object data;

a field for application use

int detail;

the event specific detail field, as defined by the detail constants in class <code>SWT</code>

Display display;

the display where the event occurred

bool doit;

depending on the event, a flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed. Setting this field to false will cancel the operation.

int end;

depending on the event, the range of text being modified. Setting these fields only has effect during ImeComposition events.

GC gc;

the graphics context to use when painting that is configured to use the colors, font and damaged region of the control. It is valid only during the paint and must not be disposed

int height;

the height of the bounding rectangle of the region that requires painting

int index;

the index of the item where the event occurred

Widget item;

the item that the event occurred in (can be null)

int keyCode;

depending on the event, the key code of the key that was typed, as defined by the key code constants in class <code>SWT</code>. When the character field of the event is ambiguous, this field contains the unaffected value of the original character. For example, typing Ctrl+M or Enter both result in the character '\r' but the keyCode field will also contain '\r' when Enter was typed and 'm' when Ctrl+M was typed.

int start;

depending on the event, the range of text being modified. Setting these fields only has effect during ImeComposition events.

int stateMask;

depending on the event, the state of the keyboard modifier keys and mouse masks at the time the event was generated.

String text;

depending on the event, the new text that will be inserted. Setting this field will change the text that is about to be inserted or deleted.

int time;

the time that the event occurred.

int type;

the type of event, as defined by the event type constants in class <code>SWT</code>

Widget widget;

the widget that issued the event

int width;

the width of the bounding rectangle of the region that requires painting

int x;

depending on the event type, the x offset of the bounding rectangle of the region that requires painting or the widget-relative, x coordinate of the pointer at the time the mouse button was pressed or released

int y;

depending on the event type, the y offset of the bounding rectangle of the region that requires painting or the widget-relative, y coordinate of the pointer at the time the mouse button was pressed or released
