1 /******************************************************************************
2     Based on the generated files from the BCD tool
3     modified by: Frank Benoit <keinfarbton@googlemail.com>
4 ******************************************************************************/
5 module org.eclipse.swt.internal.c.Xlib;
7 private import org.eclipse.swt.internal.c.X;
9 import java.lang.all;
11 version(Tango){
12     import tango.stdc.stdint;
13 } else { // Phobos
14     import std.stdint;
15 }
17 extern(C):
19 const c_int XlibSpecificationRelease = 6;
20 const c_int X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING = 1;
21 const c_int True = 1;
22 const c_int False = 0;
23 const c_int QueuedAlready = 0;
24 const c_int QueuedAfterReading = 1;
25 const c_int QueuedAfterFlush = 2;
26 const String XNRequiredCharSet = "requiredCharSet";
27 const String XNQueryOrientation = "queryOrientation";
28 const String XNBaseFontName = "baseFontName";
29 const String XNOMAutomatic = "omAutomatic";
30 const String XNMissingCharSet = "missingCharSet";
31 const String XNDefaultString = "defaultString";
32 const String XNOrientation = "orientation";
33 const String XNDirectionalDependentDrawing = "directionalDependentDrawing";
34 const String XNContextualDrawing = "contextualDrawing";
35 const String XNFontInfo = "fontInfo";
36 const c_int XIMPreeditArea = 0x0001;
37 const c_int XIMPreeditCallbacks = 0x0002;
38 const c_int XIMPreeditPosition = 0x0004;
39 const c_int XIMPreeditNothing = 0x0008;
40 const c_int XIMPreeditNone = 0x0010;
41 const c_int XIMStatusArea = 0x0100;
42 const c_int XIMStatusCallbacks = 0x0200;
43 const c_int XIMStatusNothing = 0x0400;
44 const c_int XIMStatusNone = 0x0800;
45 const String XNVaNestedList = "XNVaNestedList";
46 const String XNQueryInputStyle = "queryInputStyle";
47 const String XNClientWindow = "clientWindow";
48 const String XNInputStyle = "inputStyle";
49 const String XNFocusWindow = "focusWindow";
50 const String XNResourceName = "resourceName";
51 const String XNResourceClass = "resourceClass";
52 const String XNGeometryCallback = "geometryCallback";
53 const String XNDestroyCallback = "destroyCallback";
54 const String XNFilterEvents = "filterEvents";
55 const String XNPreeditStartCallback = "preeditStartCallback";
56 const String XNPreeditDoneCallback = "preeditDoneCallback";
57 const String XNPreeditDrawCallback = "preeditDrawCallback";
58 const String XNPreeditCaretCallback = "preeditCaretCallback";
59 const String XNPreeditStateNotifyCallback = "preeditStateNotifyCallback";
60 const String XNPreeditAttributes = "preeditAttributes";
61 const String XNStatusStartCallback = "statusStartCallback";
62 const String XNStatusDoneCallback = "statusDoneCallback";
63 const String XNStatusDrawCallback = "statusDrawCallback";
64 const String XNStatusAttributes = "statusAttributes";
65 const String XNArea = "area";
66 const String XNAreaNeeded = "areaNeeded";
67 const String XNSpotLocation = "spotLocation";
68 const String XNColormap = "colorMap";
69 const String XNStdColormap = "stdColorMap";
70 const String XNForeground = "foreground";
71 const String XNBackground = "background";
72 const String XNBackgroundPixmap = "backgroundPixmap";
73 const String XNFontSet = "fontSet";
74 const String XNLineSpace = "lineSpace";
75 const String XNCursor = "cursor";
76 const String XNQueryIMValuesList = "queryIMValuesList";
77 const String XNQueryICValuesList = "queryICValuesList";
78 const String XNVisiblePosition = "visiblePosition";
79 const String XNR6PreeditCallback = "r6PreeditCallback";
80 const String XNStringConversionCallback = "stringConversionCallback";
81 const String XNStringConversion = "stringConversion";
82 const String XNResetState = "resetState";
83 const String XNHotKey = "hotKey";
84 const String XNHotKeyState = "hotKeyState";
85 const String XNPreeditState = "preeditState";
86 const String XNSeparatorofNestedList = "separatorofNestedList";
87 const c_int XBufferOverflow = -1;
88 const c_int XLookupNone = 1;
89 const c_int XLookupChars = 2;
90 const c_int XLookupKeySym = 3;
91 const c_int XLookupBoth = 4;
92 const c_int XIMReverse = 1;
93 const c_int XIMPreeditUnKnown = 0;
94 const c_int XIMPreeditEnable = 1;
95 const c_int XIMInitialState = 1;
96 alias void _XDisplay;
97 alias _XDisplay Display;
98 alias char * XPointer;
99 alias void function(Display *, XPointer, c_int, Bool, XPointer *) _BCD_func__846;
100 alias _BCD_func__846 XConnectionWatchProc;
101 alias c_int function(Display *) _BCD_func__894;
102 alias _BCD_func__894 XIOErrorHandler;
103 alias c_int function(Display *, XErrorEvent *) _BCD_func__895;
104 alias _BCD_func__895 XErrorHandler;
105 alias c_ulong XIMHotKeyState;
106 alias _XIMHotKeyTriggers XIMHotKeyTriggers;
107 alias _XIMHotKeyTrigger XIMHotKeyTrigger;
108 alias _XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct;
109 alias _XIMText XIMText;
110 enum XIMStatusDataType {
111 XIMTextType=0,
112 XIMBitmapType=1,
113 }
114 alias _XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct;
115 enum XIMCaretDirection {
116 XIMForwardChar=0,
117 XIMBackwardChar=1,
118 XIMForwardWord=2,
119 XIMBackwardWord=3,
120 XIMCaretUp=4,
121 XIMCaretDown=5,
122 XIMNextLine=6,
123 XIMPreviousLine=7,
124 XIMLineStart=8,
125 XIMLineEnd=9,
126 XIMAbsolutePosition=10,
127 XIMDontChange=11,
128 }
129 enum XIMCaretStyle {
130 XIMIsInvisible=0,
131 XIMIsPrimary=1,
132 XIMIsSecondary=2,
133 }
134 alias _XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct;
135 alias _XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct;
136 alias ushort XIMStringConversionPosition;
137 alias ushort XIMStringConversionOperation;
138 alias _XIMStringConversionText XIMStringConversionText;
139 alias ushort XIMStringConversionType;
140 alias c_ulong XIMStringConversionFeedback;
141 alias c_ulong XIMResetState;
142 alias _XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct;
143 alias c_ulong XIMPreeditState;
144 alias c_ulong XIMFeedback;
145 alias c_int function(XIC, XPointer, XPointer) _BCD_func__970;
146 alias _BCD_func__970 XICProc;
147 alias void function(XIC, XPointer, XPointer) _BCD_func__971;
148 alias _BCD_func__971 XIMProc;
149 alias void * XVaNestedList;
150 alias c_ulong XIMStyle;
151 alias void function(Display *, XPointer, XPointer) _BCD_func__969;
152 alias _BCD_func__969 XIDProc;
153 alias void * XIC;
154 alias void * XIM;
155 enum XOrientation {
156 XOMOrientation_LTR_TTB=0,
157 XOMOrientation_RTL_TTB=1,
158 XOMOrientation_TTB_LTR=2,
159 XOMOrientation_TTB_RTL=3,
160 XOMOrientation_Context=4,
161 }
162 alias void * XFontSet;
163 alias void * XOC;
164 alias void * XOM;
165 alias void * GC;
166 alias _XExtData XExtData;
167 alias _XEvent XEvent;
168 alias XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent;
169 alias XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent;
170 alias XCrossingEvent XLeaveWindowEvent;
171 alias XCrossingEvent XEnterWindowEvent;
172 alias XMotionEvent XPointerMovedEvent;
173 alias XButtonEvent XButtonReleasedEvent;
174 alias XButtonEvent XButtonPressedEvent;
175 alias XKeyEvent XKeyReleasedEvent;
176 alias XKeyEvent XKeyPressedEvent;
177 alias void _XrmHashBucketRec;
178 alias c_uint function(void *) _BCD_func__2044;
179 alias c_int function(void *) _BCD_func__2045;
180 alias _XImage XImage;
181 alias _XImage * function(_XDisplay *, Visual *, c_uint, c_int, c_int, char *, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) _BCD_func__2099;
182 alias c_int function(_XImage *) _BCD_func__2100;
183 alias c_ulong function(_XImage *, c_int, c_int) _BCD_func__2101;
184 alias c_int function(_XImage *, c_int, c_int, _BCD_func__2101) _BCD_func__2102;
185 alias _XImage * function(_XImage *, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint) _BCD_func__2103;
186 alias c_int function(_XImage *, c_long) _BCD_func__2104;
187 alias c_int function(_XExtData *) _BCD_func__2075;
188 alias Bool function(Display *, _XEvent *, XPointer) _BCD_func__1795;
189 struct XIMValuesList {
190 ushort count_values;
191 char * * supported_values;
192 }
193 struct _XIMHotKeyTriggers {
194 c_int num_hot_key;
195 _XIMHotKeyTrigger * key;
196 }
197 struct _XIMHotKeyTrigger {
198 KeySym keysym;
199 c_int modifier;
200 c_int modifier_mask;
201 }
202 union N28_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct4__91E {
203 _XIMText * text;
204 Pixmap bitmap;
205 }
206 struct _XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct {
207 XIMStatusDataType type;
208 N28_XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct4__91E data;
209 }
210 struct _XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct {
211 c_int position;
212 XIMCaretDirection direction;
213 XIMCaretStyle style;
214 }
215 struct _XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct {
216 c_int caret;
217 c_int chg_first;
218 c_int chg_length;
219 _XIMText * text;
220 }
221 struct _XIMStringConversionCallbackStruct {
222 XIMStringConversionPosition position;
223 XIMCaretDirection direction;
224 XIMStringConversionOperation operation;
225 ushort factor;
226 _XIMStringConversionText * text;
227 }
228 union N24_XIMStringConversionText4__87E {
229 char * mbs;
230 wchar * wcs;
231 }
232 struct _XIMStringConversionText {
233 ushort length;
234 XIMStringConversionFeedback * feedback;
235 Bool encoding_is_wchar;
236 N24_XIMStringConversionText4__87E string;
237 }
238 struct _XIMPreeditStateNotifyCallbackStruct {
239 XIMPreeditState state;
240 }
241 union N8_XIMText4__86E {
242 char * multi_byte;
243 wchar * wide_char;
244 }
245 struct _XIMText {
246 ushort length;
247 XIMFeedback * feedback;
248 Bool encoding_is_wchar;
249 N8_XIMText4__86E string;
250 }
251 struct XICCallback {
252 XPointer client_data;
253 XICProc callback;
254 }
255 struct XIMCallback {
256 XPointer client_data;
257 XIMProc callback;
258 }
259 struct XIMStyles {
260 ushort count_styles;
261 XIMStyle * supported_styles;
262 }
263 struct XOMFontInfo {
264 c_int num_font;
265 XFontStruct * * font_struct_list;
266 char * * font_name_list;
267 }
268 struct XOMOrientation {
269 c_int num_orientation;
270 XOrientation * orientation;
271 }
272 struct XOMCharSetList {
273 c_int charset_count;
274 char * * charset_list;
275 }
276 struct XwcTextItem {
277 wchar * chars;
278 c_int nchars;
279 c_int delta;
280 XFontSet font_set;
281 }
282 struct XmbTextItem {
283 char * chars;
284 c_int nchars;
285 c_int delta;
286 XFontSet font_set;
287 }
288 struct XFontSetExtents {
289 XRectangle max_ink_extent;
290 XRectangle max_logical_extent;
291 }
292 union XEDataObject {
293 Display * display;
294 GC gc;
295 Visual * visual;
296 Screen * screen;
297 ScreenFormat * pixmap_format;
298 XFontStruct * font;
299 }
300 struct XTextItem16 {
301 XChar2b * chars;
302 c_int nchars;
303 c_int delta;
304 Font font;
305 }
306 struct XChar2b {
307 char byte1;
308 char byte2;
309 }
310 struct XTextItem {
311 char * chars;
312 c_int nchars;
313 c_int delta;
314 Font font;
315 }
316 struct XFontStruct {
317 _XExtData * ext_data;
318 Font fid;
319 c_uint direction;
320 c_uint min_char_or_byte2;
321 c_uint max_char_or_byte2;
322 c_uint min_byte1;
323 c_uint max_byte1;
324 Bool all_chars_exist;
325 c_uint default_char;
326 c_int n_properties;
327 XFontProp * properties;
328 XCharStruct min_bounds;
329 XCharStruct max_bounds;
330 XCharStruct * per_char;
331 c_int ascent;
332 c_int descent;
333 }
334 struct XFontProp {
335 Atom name;
336 c_ulong card32;
337 }
338 struct XCharStruct {
339 short lbearing;
340 short rbearing;
341 short width;
342 short ascent;
343 short descent;
344 ushort attributes;
345 }
346 union _XEvent {
347 c_int type;
348 XAnyEvent xany;
349 XKeyEvent xkey;
350 XButtonEvent xbutton;
351 XMotionEvent xmotion;
352 XCrossingEvent xcrossing;
353 XFocusChangeEvent xfocus;
354 XExposeEvent xexpose;
355 XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose;
356 XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose;
357 XVisibilityEvent xvisibility;
358 XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow;
359 XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow;
360 XUnmapEvent xunmap;
361 XMapEvent xmap;
362 XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest;
363 XReparentEvent xreparent;
364 XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
365 XGravityEvent xgravity;
366 XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
367 XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest;
368 XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
369 XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest;
370 XPropertyEvent xproperty;
371 XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear;
372 XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest;
373 XSelectionEvent xselection;
374 XColormapEvent xcolormap;
375 XClientMessageEvent xclient;
376 XMappingEvent xmapping;
377 XErrorEvent xerror;
378 XKeymapEvent xkeymap;
379 c_long [24] pad;
380 }
381 struct XAnyEvent {
382 c_int type;
383 c_ulong serial;
384 Bool send_event;
385 Display * display;
386 Window window;
387 }
388 struct XErrorEvent {
389 c_int type;
390 Display * display;
391 XID resourceid;
392 c_ulong serial;
393 char error_code;
394 char request_code;
395 char minor_code;
396 }
397 struct XMappingEvent {
398 c_int type;
399 c_ulong serial;
400 Bool send_event;
401 Display * display;
402 Window window;
403 c_int request;
404 c_int first_keycode;
405 c_int count;
406 }
407 union N19XClientMessageEvent4__65E {
408 char [20] b;
409 short [10] s;
410 c_long [5] l;
411 }
412 struct XClientMessageEvent {
413 c_int type;
414 c_ulong serial;
415 Bool send_event;
416 Display * display;
417 Window window;
418 Atom message_type;
419 c_int format;
420 N19XClientMessageEvent4__65E data;
421 }
422 struct XColormapEvent {
423 c_int type;
424 c_ulong serial;
425 Bool send_event;
426 Display * display;
427 Window window;
428 Colormap colormap;
429 Bool c_new;
430 c_int state;
431 }
432 struct XSelectionEvent {
433 c_int type;
434 c_ulong serial;
435 Bool send_event;
436 Display * display;
437 Window requestor;
438 Atom selection;
439 Atom target;
440 Atom property;
441 Time time;
442 }
443 struct XSelectionRequestEvent {
444 c_int type;
445 c_ulong serial;
446 Bool send_event;
447 Display * display;
448 Window owner;
449 Window requestor;
450 Atom selection;
451 Atom target;
452 Atom property;
453 Time time;
454 }
455 struct XSelectionClearEvent {
456 c_int type;
457 c_ulong serial;
458 Bool send_event;
459 Display * display;
460 Window window;
461 Atom selection;
462 Time time;
463 }
464 struct XPropertyEvent {
465 c_int type;
466 c_ulong serial;
467 Bool send_event;
468 Display * display;
469 Window window;
470 Atom atom;
471 Time time;
472 c_int state;
473 }
474 struct XCirculateRequestEvent {
475 c_int type;
476 c_ulong serial;
477 Bool send_event;
478 Display * display;
479 Window parent;
480 Window window;
481 c_int place;
482 }
483 struct XCirculateEvent {
484 c_int type;
485 c_ulong serial;
486 Bool send_event;
487 Display * display;
488 Window event;
489 Window window;
490 c_int place;
491 }
492 struct XConfigureRequestEvent {
493 c_int type;
494 c_ulong serial;
495 Bool send_event;
496 Display * display;
497 Window parent;
498 Window window;
499 c_int x;
500 c_int y;
501 c_int width;
502 c_int height;
503 c_int border_width;
504 Window above;
505 c_int detail;
506 c_ulong value_mask;
507 }
508 struct XResizeRequestEvent {
509 c_int type;
510 c_ulong serial;
511 Bool send_event;
512 Display * display;
513 Window window;
514 c_int width;
515 c_int height;
516 }
517 struct XGravityEvent {
518 c_int type;
519 c_ulong serial;
520 Bool send_event;
521 Display * display;
522 Window event;
523 Window window;
524 c_int x;
525 c_int y;
526 }
527 struct XConfigureEvent {
528 c_int type;
529 c_ulong serial;
530 Bool send_event;
531 Display * display;
532 Window event;
533 Window window;
534 c_int x;
535 c_int y;
536 c_int width;
537 c_int height;
538 c_int border_width;
539 Window above;
540 Bool override_redirect;
541 }
542 struct XReparentEvent {
543 c_int type;
544 c_ulong serial;
545 Bool send_event;
546 Display * display;
547 Window event;
548 Window window;
549 Window parent;
550 c_int x;
551 c_int y;
552 Bool override_redirect;
553 }
554 struct XMapRequestEvent {
555 c_int type;
556 c_ulong serial;
557 Bool send_event;
558 Display * display;
559 Window parent;
560 Window window;
561 }
562 struct XMapEvent {
563 c_int type;
564 c_ulong serial;
565 Bool send_event;
566 Display * display;
567 Window event;
568 Window window;
569 Bool override_redirect;
570 }
571 struct XUnmapEvent {
572 c_int type;
573 c_ulong serial;
574 Bool send_event;
575 Display * display;
576 Window event;
577 Window window;
578 Bool from_configure;
579 }
580 struct XDestroyWindowEvent {
581 c_int type;
582 c_ulong serial;
583 Bool send_event;
584 Display * display;
585 Window event;
586 Window window;
587 }
588 struct XCreateWindowEvent {
589 c_int type;
590 c_ulong serial;
591 Bool send_event;
592 Display * display;
593 Window parent;
594 Window window;
595 c_int x;
596 c_int y;
597 c_int width;
598 c_int height;
599 c_int border_width;
600 Bool override_redirect;
601 }
602 struct XVisibilityEvent {
603 c_int type;
604 c_ulong serial;
605 Bool send_event;
606 Display * display;
607 Window window;
608 c_int state;
609 }
610 struct XNoExposeEvent {
611 c_int type;
612 c_ulong serial;
613 Bool send_event;
614 Display * display;
615 Drawable drawable;
616 c_int major_code;
617 c_int minor_code;
618 }
619 struct XGraphicsExposeEvent {
620 c_int type;
621 c_ulong serial;
622 Bool send_event;
623 Display * display;
624 Drawable drawable;
625 c_int x;
626 c_int y;
627 c_int width;
628 c_int height;
629 c_int count;
630 c_int major_code;
631 c_int minor_code;
632 }
633 struct XExposeEvent {
634 c_int type;
635 c_ulong serial;
636 Bool send_event;
637 Display * display;
638 Window window;
639 c_int x;
640 c_int y;
641 c_int width;
642 c_int height;
643 c_int count;
644 }
645 struct XKeymapEvent {
646 c_int type;
647 c_ulong serial;
648 Bool send_event;
649 Display * display;
650 Window window;
651 char [32] key_vector;
652 }
653 struct XFocusChangeEvent {
654 c_int type;
655 c_ulong serial;
656 Bool send_event;
657 Display * display;
658 Window window;
659 c_int mode;
660 c_int detail;
661 }
662 struct XCrossingEvent {
663 c_int type;
664 c_ulong serial;
665 Bool send_event;
666 Display * display;
667 Window window;
668 Window root;
669 Window subwindow;
670 Time time;
671 c_int x;
672 c_int y;
673 c_int x_root;
674 c_int y_root;
675 c_int mode;
676 c_int detail;
677 Bool same_screen;
678 Bool focus;
679 c_uint state;
680 }
681 struct XMotionEvent {
682 c_int type;
683 c_ulong serial;
684 Bool send_event;
685 Display * display;
686 Window window;
687 Window root;
688 Window subwindow;
689 Time time;
690 c_int x;
691 c_int y;
692 c_int x_root;
693 c_int y_root;
694 c_uint state;
695 char is_hint;
696 Bool same_screen;
697 }
698 struct XButtonEvent {
699 c_int type;
700 c_ulong serial;
701 Bool send_event;
702 Display * display;
703 Window window;
704 Window root;
705 Window subwindow;
706 Time time;
707 c_int x;
708 c_int y;
709 c_int x_root;
710 c_int y_root;
711 c_uint state;
712 c_uint button;
713 Bool same_screen;
714 }
715 struct XKeyEvent {
716 c_int type;
717 c_ulong serial;
718 Bool send_event;
719 Display * display;
720 Window window;
721 Window root;
722 Window subwindow;
723 Time time;
724 c_int x;
725 c_int y;
726 c_int x_root;
727 c_int y_root;
728 c_uint state;
729 c_uint keycode;
730 Bool same_screen;
731 }
732 struct XModifierKeymap {
733 c_int max_keypermod;
734 KeyCode * modifiermap;
735 }
736 struct XTimeCoord {
737 Time time;
738 short x;
739 short y;
740 }
741 struct XKeyboardState {
742 c_int key_click_percent;
743 c_int bell_percent;
744 c_uint bell_pitch;
745 c_uint bell_duration;
746 c_ulong led_mask;
747 c_int global_auto_repeat;
748 char [32] auto_repeats;
749 }
750 struct XKeyboardControl {
751 c_int key_click_percent;
752 c_int bell_percent;
753 c_int bell_pitch;
754 c_int bell_duration;
755 c_int led;
756 c_int led_mode;
757 c_int key;
758 c_int auto_repeat_mode;
759 }
760 struct XArc {
761 short x;
762 short y;
763 ushort width;
764 ushort height;
765 short angle1;
766 short angle2;
767 }
768 struct XRectangle {
769 short x;
770 short y;
771 ushort width;
772 ushort height;
773 }
774 struct XPoint {
775 short x;
776 short y;
777 }
778 struct XSegment {
779 short x1;
780 short y1;
781 short x2;
782 short y2;
783 }
784 struct XColor {
785 c_ulong pixel;
786 ushort red;
787 ushort green;
788 ushort blue;
789 char flags;
790 char pad;
791 }
792 struct XWindowChanges {
793 c_int x;
794 c_int y;
795 c_int width;
796 c_int height;
797 c_int border_width;
798 Window sibling;
799 c_int stack_mode;
800 }
801 struct funcs {
802 _BCD_func__2099 create_image;
803 _BCD_func__2100 destroy_image;
804 _BCD_func__2101 get_pixel;
805 _BCD_func__2102 put_pixel;
806 _BCD_func__2103 sub_image;
807 _BCD_func__2104 add_pixel;
808 }
809 struct _XImage {
810 c_int width;
811 c_int height;
812 c_int xoffset;
813 c_int format;
814 char * data;
815 c_int byte_order;
816 c_int bitmap_unit;
817 c_int bitmap_bit_order;
818 c_int bitmap_pad;
819 c_int depth;
820 c_int bytes_per_line;
821 c_int bits_per_pixel;
822 c_ulong red_mask;
823 c_ulong green_mask;
824 c_ulong blue_mask;
825 XPointer obdata;
826 funcs f;
827 }
828 struct XServerInterpretedAddress {
829 c_int typelength;
830 c_int valuelength;
831 char * type;
832 char * value;
833 }
834 struct XHostAddress {
835 c_int family;
836 c_int length;
837 char * address;
838 }
839 struct XWindowAttributes {
840 c_int x;
841 c_int y;
842 c_int width;
843 c_int height;
844 c_int border_width;
845 c_int depth;
846 Visual * visual;
847 Window root;
848 c_int c_class;
849 c_int bit_gravity;
850 c_int win_gravity;
851 c_int backing_store;
852 c_ulong backing_planes;
853 c_ulong backing_pixel;
854 Bool save_under;
855 Colormap colormap;
856 Bool map_installed;
857 c_int map_state;
858 c_long all_event_masks;
859 c_long your_event_mask;
860 c_long do_not_propagate_mask;
861 Bool override_redirect;
862 Screen * screen;
863 }
864 struct XSetWindowAttributes {
865 Pixmap background_pixmap;
866 c_ulong background_pixel;
867 Pixmap border_pixmap;
868 c_ulong border_pixel;
869 c_int bit_gravity;
870 c_int win_gravity;
871 c_int backing_store;
872 c_ulong backing_planes;
873 c_ulong backing_pixel;
874 Bool save_under;
875 c_long event_mask;
876 c_long do_not_propagate_mask;
877 Bool override_redirect;
878 Colormap colormap;
879 Cursor cursor;
880 }
881 struct ScreenFormat {
882 _XExtData * ext_data;
883 c_int depth;
884 c_int bits_per_pixel;
885 c_int scanline_pad;
886 }
887 struct Screen {
888 _XExtData * ext_data;
889 _XDisplay * display;
890 Window root;
891 c_int width;
892 c_int height;
893 c_int mwidth;
894 c_int mheight;
895 c_int ndepths;
896 Depth * depths;
897 c_int root_depth;
898 Visual * root_visual;
899 GC default_gc;
900 Colormap cmap;
901 c_ulong white_pixel;
902 c_ulong black_pixel;
903 c_int max_maps;
904 c_int min_maps;
905 c_int backing_store;
906 Bool save_unders;
907 c_long root_input_mask;
908 }
909 struct Depth {
910 c_int depth;
911 c_int nvisuals;
912 Visual * visuals;
913 }
914 struct Visual {
915 _XExtData * ext_data;
916 VisualID visualid;
917 c_int c_class;
918 c_ulong red_mask;
919 c_ulong green_mask;
920 c_ulong blue_mask;
921 c_int bits_per_rgb;
922 c_int map_entries;
923 }
924 struct XGCValues {
925 c_int function_;
926 c_ulong plane_mask;
927 c_ulong foreground;
928 c_ulong background;
929 c_int line_width;
930 c_int line_style;
931 c_int cap_style;
932 c_int join_style;
933 c_int fill_style;
934 c_int fill_rule;
935 c_int arc_mode;
936 Pixmap tile;
937 Pixmap stipple;
938 c_int ts_x_origin;
939 c_int ts_y_origin;
940 Font font;
941 c_int subwindow_mode;
942 Bool graphics_exposures;
943 c_int clip_x_origin;
944 c_int clip_y_origin;
945 Pixmap clip_mask;
946 c_int dash_offset;
947 char dashes;
948 }
949 struct XPixmapFormatValues {
950 c_int depth;
951 c_int bits_per_pixel;
952 c_int scanline_pad;
953 }
954 struct XExtCodes {
955 c_int extension;
956 c_int major_opcode;
957 c_int first_event;
958 c_int first_error;
959 }
960 struct _XExtData {
961 c_int number;
962 _XExtData * next;
963 _BCD_func__2075 free_private;
964 XPointer private_data;
965 }
966 // TODO 64-bit
967 version(DYNLINK){
968 mixin(gshared!(
969 "extern(C) c_int function(char*, wchar) _Xwctomb;
970 extern(C) c_int function(wchar*, char*, c_int) _Xmbtowc;
971 extern(C) void function(char*, c_int, char*, c_int) XSetAuthorization;
972 extern(C) void function(Display*, XConnectionWatchProc, XPointer) XRemoveConnectionWatch;
973 extern(C) Status function(Display*, XConnectionWatchProc, XPointer) XAddConnectionWatch;
974 extern(C) void function(Display*, c_int) XProcessInternalConnection;
975 extern(C) Status function(Display*, c_int**, c_int*) XInternalConnectionNumbers;
976 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, char*, char*, XIDProc, XPointer) XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback;
977 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, char*, char*, XIDProc, XPointer) XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback;
978 extern(C) XVaNestedList function(c_int, ...) XVaCreateNestedList;
979 extern(C) c_int function(XIC, XKeyPressedEvent*, char*, c_int, KeySym*, Status*) Xutf8LookupString;
980 extern(C) c_int function(XIC, XKeyPressedEvent*, wchar*, c_int, KeySym*, Status*) XwcLookupString;
981 extern(C) c_int function(XIC, XKeyPressedEvent*, char*, c_int, KeySym*, Status*) XmbLookupString;
982 extern(C) Bool function(XEvent*, Window) XFilterEvent;
983 extern(C) XIM function(XIC) XIMOfIC;
984 extern(C) char* function(XIC, ...) XGetICValues;
985 extern(C) char* function(XIC, ...) XSetICValues;
986 extern(C) char* function(XIC) Xutf8ResetIC;
987 extern(C) char* function(XIC) XmbResetIC;
988 extern(C) wchar* function(XIC) XwcResetIC;
989 extern(C) void function(XIC) XUnsetICFocus;
990 extern(C) void function(XIC) XSetICFocus;
991 extern(C) void function(XIC) XDestroyIC;
992 extern(C) XIC function(XIM, ...) XCreateIC;
993 extern(C) char* function(XIM) XLocaleOfIM;
994 extern(C) Display* function(XIM) XDisplayOfIM;
995 extern(C) char* function(XIM, ...) XSetIMValues;
996 extern(C) char* function(XIM, ...) XGetIMValues;
997 extern(C) Status function(XIM) XCloseIM;
998 extern(C) XIM function(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, char*, char*) XOpenIM;
999 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) Xutf8DrawImageString;
1000 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const wchar*, c_int) XwcDrawImageString;
1001 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) XmbDrawImageString;
1002 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) Xutf8DrawString;
1003 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const wchar*, c_int) XwcDrawString;
1004 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) XmbDrawString;
1005 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XmbTextItem*, c_int) Xutf8DrawText;
1006 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XwcTextItem*, c_int) XwcDrawText;
1007 extern(C) void function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XmbTextItem*, c_int) XmbDrawText;
1008 extern(C) Status function(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int*, XRectangle*, XRectangle*) Xutf8TextPerCharExtents;
1009 extern(C) Status function(XFontSet, const wchar*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int*, XRectangle*, XRectangle*) XwcTextPerCharExtents;
1010 extern(C) Status function(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int*, XRectangle*, XRectangle*) XmbTextPerCharExtents;
1011 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*) Xutf8TextExtents;
1012 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, const wchar*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*) XwcTextExtents;
1013 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*) XmbTextExtents;
1014 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, const char*, c_int) Xutf8TextEscapement;
1015 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, const wchar*, c_int) XwcTextEscapement;
1016 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, const char*, c_int) XmbTextEscapement;
1017 extern(C) XFontSetExtents* function(XFontSet) XExtentsOfFontSet;
1018 extern(C) Bool function(XFontSet) XContextualDrawing;
1019 extern(C) Bool function(XFontSet) XDirectionalDependentDrawing;
1020 extern(C) Bool function(XFontSet) XContextDependentDrawing;
1021 extern(C) char* function(XFontSet) XLocaleOfFontSet;
1022 extern(C) char* function(XFontSet) XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet;
1023 extern(C) c_int function(XFontSet, XFontStruct***, char***) XFontsOfFontSet;
1024 extern(C) void function(Display*, XFontSet) XFreeFontSet;
1025 extern(C) XFontSet function(Display*, const char*, char***, c_int*, char**) XCreateFontSet;
1026 extern(C) char* function(XOC, ...) XGetOCValues;
1027 extern(C) char* function(XOC, ...) XSetOCValues;
1028 extern(C) XOM function(XOC) XOMOfOC;
1029 extern(C) void function(XOC) XDestroyOC;
1030 extern(C) XOC function(XOM, ...) XCreateOC;
1031 extern(C) char* function(XOM) XLocaleOfOM;
1032 extern(C) Display* function(XOM) XDisplayOfOM;
1033 extern(C) char* function(XOM, ...) XGetOMValues;
1034 extern(C) char* function(XOM, ...) XSetOMValues;
1035 extern(C) Status function(XOM) XCloseOM;
1036 extern(C) XOM function(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, const char*, const char*) XOpenOM;
1037 extern(C) char* function(const char*) XSetLocaleModifiers;
1038 extern(C) Bool XSupportsLocale();
1039 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, const char*, Pixmap, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) XWriteBitmapFile;
1040 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_long, XEvent*) XWindowEvent;
1041 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XWidthOfScreen;
1042 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XWidthMMOfScreen;
1043 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) XWarpPointer;
1044 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XVendorRelease;
1045 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XUnmapWindow;
1046 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XUnmapSubwindows;
1047 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Font) XUnloadFont;
1048 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap) XUninstallColormap;
1049 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XUngrabServer;
1050 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Time) XUngrabPointer;
1051 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Time) XUngrabKeyboard;
1052 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, c_uint, Window) XUngrabKey;
1053 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_uint, c_uint, Window) XUngrabButton;
1054 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XUndefineCursor;
1055 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, Window, Window, c_int, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, Window*) XTranslateCoordinates;
1056 extern(C) c_int function(XFontStruct*, const XChar2b*, c_int) XTextWidth16;
1057 extern(C) c_int function(XFontStruct*, const char*, c_int) XTextWidth;
1058 extern(C) c_int function(XFontStruct*, const XChar2b*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*) XTextExtents16;
1059 extern(C) c_int function(XFontStruct*, const char*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*) XTextExtents;
1060 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Bool) XSync;
1061 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap, const char*, c_ulong, c_int) XStoreNamedColor;
1062 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, const char*) XStoreName;
1063 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap, XColor*, c_int) XStoreColors;
1064 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap, XColor*) XStoreColor;
1065 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, const char*, c_int) XStoreBytes;
1066 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, const char*, c_int, c_int) XStoreBuffer;
1067 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Colormap) XSetWindowColormap;
1068 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_uint) XSetWindowBorderWidth;
1069 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Pixmap) XSetWindowBorderPixmap;
1070 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_ulong) XSetWindowBorder;
1071 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Pixmap) XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap;
1072 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_ulong) XSetWindowBackground;
1073 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, Pixmap) XSetTile;
1074 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int, c_int) XSetTSOrigin;
1075 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int) XSetSubwindowMode;
1076 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, Pixmap) XSetStipple;
1077 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_ulong, c_ulong, c_int, c_ulong) XSetState;
1078 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Atom, Window, Time) XSetSelectionOwner;
1079 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int) XSetScreenSaver;
1080 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, const char*, c_int) XSetPointerMapping;
1081 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_ulong) XSetPlaneMask;
1082 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XModifierKeymap*) XSetModifierMapping;
1083 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_int) XSetLineAttributes;
1084 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_int, Time) XSetInputFocus;
1085 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, const char*) XSetIconName;
1086 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, Bool) XSetGraphicsExposures;
1087 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int) XSetFunction;
1088 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_ulong) XSetForeground;
1089 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, char**, c_int) XSetFontPath;
1090 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, Font) XSetFont;
1091 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int) XSetFillStyle;
1092 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int) XSetFillRule;
1093 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int, const char*, c_int) XSetDashes;
1094 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, char**, c_int) XSetCommand;
1095 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XSetCloseDownMode;
1096 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int, c_int, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int) XSetClipRectangles;
1097 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int, c_int) XSetClipOrigin;
1098 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, Pixmap) XSetClipMask;
1099 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_ulong) XSetBackground;
1100 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_int) XSetArcMode;
1101 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XSetAccessControl;
1102 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Bool, c_long, XEvent*) XSendEvent;
1103 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_long) XSelectInput;
1104 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XScreenCount;
1105 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Atom*, c_int, c_int) XRotateWindowProperties;
1106 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XRotateBuffers;
1107 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window*, c_int) XRestackWindows;
1108 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_uint, c_uint) XResizeWindow;
1109 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XResetScreenSaver;
1110 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Window, c_int, c_int) XReparentWindow;
1111 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XHostAddress*, c_int) XRemoveHosts;
1112 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XHostAddress*) XRemoveHost;
1113 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XRemoveFromSaveSet;
1114 extern(C) c_int function(XMappingEvent*) XRefreshKeyboardMapping;
1115 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Cursor, XColor*, XColor*) XRecolorCursor;
1116 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, KeySym, KeySym*, c_int, const char*, c_int) XRebindKeysym;
1117 extern(C) c_int function(const char*, c_uint*, c_uint*, char**, c_int*, c_int*) XReadBitmapFileData;
1118 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, const char*, c_uint*, c_uint*, Pixmap*, c_int*, c_int*) XReadBitmapFile;
1119 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XRaiseWindow;
1120 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Window*, Window*, Window**, c_uint*) XQueryTree;
1121 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XID, const XChar2b*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*) XQueryTextExtents16;
1122 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XID, const char*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*) XQueryTextExtents;
1123 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, Window, Window*, Window*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_uint*) XQueryPointer;
1124 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, char [32]) XQueryKeymap;
1125 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, const char*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*) XQueryExtension;
1126 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap, XColor*, c_int) XQueryColors;
1127 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap, XColor*) XQueryColor;
1128 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*) XQueryBestTile;
1129 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*) XQueryBestStipple;
1130 extern(C) Status function(Display*, c_int, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*) XQueryBestSize;
1131 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*) XQueryBestCursor;
1132 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XQLength;
1133 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XImage*, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint) XPutImage;
1134 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XEvent*) XPutBackEvent;
1135 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XProtocolVersion;
1136 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XProtocolRevision;
1137 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XPlanesOfScreen;
1138 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XPending;
1139 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XEvent*, _BCD_func__1795, XPointer) XPeekIfEvent;
1140 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XEvent*) XPeekEvent;
1141 extern(C) c_int function(const char*, c_int*, c_int*, c_uint*, c_uint*) XParseGeometry;
1142 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Colormap, const char*, XColor*) XParseColor;
1143 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XNoOp;
1144 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XEvent*) XNextEvent;
1145 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int) XMoveWindow;
1146 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint) XMoveResizeWindow;
1147 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XMinCmapsOfScreen;
1148 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XMaxCmapsOfScreen;
1149 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_long, XEvent*) XMaskEvent;
1150 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XMapWindow;
1151 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XMapSubwindows;
1152 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XMapRaised;
1153 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XLowerWindow;
1154 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Colormap, const char*, XColor*, XColor*) XLookupColor;
1155 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XID) XKillClient;
1156 extern(C) KeyCode function(Display*, KeySym) XKeysymToKeycode;
1157 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap) XInstallColormap;
1158 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XImageByteOrder;
1159 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XEvent*, _BCD_func__1795, XPointer) XIfEvent;
1160 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XHeightOfScreen;
1161 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XHeightMMOfScreen;
1162 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XGrabServer;
1163 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Bool, c_uint, c_int, c_int, Window, Cursor, Time) XGrabPointer;
1164 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Bool, c_int, c_int, Time) XGrabKeyboard;
1165 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, c_uint, Window, Bool, c_int, c_int) XGrabKey;
1166 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_uint, c_uint, Window, Bool, c_uint, c_int, c_int, Window, Cursor) XGrabButton;
1167 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, XWindowAttributes*) XGetWindowAttributes;
1168 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Atom, c_long, c_long, Bool, Atom, Atom*, c_int*, c_ulong*, c_ulong*, char**) XGetWindowProperty;
1169 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Window*) XGetTransientForHint;
1170 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*) XGetScreenSaver;
1171 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, char*, c_int) XGetPointerMapping;
1172 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*) XGetPointerControl;
1173 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XKeyboardState*) XGetKeyboardControl;
1174 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window*, c_int*) XGetInputFocus;
1175 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, char**) XGetIconName;
1176 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Drawable, Window*, c_int*, c_int*, c_uint*, c_uint*, c_uint*, c_uint*) XGetGeometry;
1177 extern(C) Status function(Display*, GC, c_ulong, XGCValues*) XGetGCValues;
1178 extern(C) Bool function(XFontStruct*, Atom, c_ulong*) XGetFontProperty;
1179 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, char*, c_int) XGetErrorText;
1180 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, const char*, const char*, const char*, char*, c_int) XGetErrorDatabaseText;
1181 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, const char*, const char*, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*) XGeometry;
1182 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Pixmap) XFreePixmap;
1183 extern(C) c_int function(XModifierKeymap*) XFreeModifiermap;
1184 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC) XFreeGC;
1185 extern(C) c_int function(char**) XFreeFontPath;
1186 extern(C) c_int function(char**) XFreeFontNames;
1187 extern(C) c_int function(char**, XFontStruct*, c_int) XFreeFontInfo;
1188 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XFontStruct*) XFreeFont;
1189 extern(C) c_int function(char**) XFreeExtensionList;
1190 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Cursor) XFreeCursor;
1191 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap, c_ulong*, c_int, c_ulong) XFreeColors;
1192 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Colormap) XFreeColormap;
1193 extern(C) c_int function(void*) XFree;
1194 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XForceScreenSaver;
1195 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XFlush;
1196 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XRectangle*, c_int) XFillRectangles;
1197 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint) XFillRectangle;
1198 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XPoint*, c_int, c_int, c_int) XFillPolygon;
1199 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XArc*, c_int) XFillArcs;
1200 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) XFillArc;
1201 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, char**) XFetchName;
1202 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XEventsQueued;
1203 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XEnableAccessControl;
1204 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XTextItem16*, c_int) XDrawText16;
1205 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XTextItem*, c_int) XDrawText;
1206 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const XChar2b*, c_int) XDrawString16;
1207 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) XDrawString;
1208 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XSegment*, c_int) XDrawSegments;
1209 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XRectangle*, c_int) XDrawRectangles;
1210 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint) XDrawRectangle;
1211 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XPoint*, c_int, c_int) XDrawPoints;
1212 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int) XDrawPoint;
1213 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XPoint*, c_int, c_int) XDrawLines;
1214 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int) XDrawLine;
1215 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const XChar2b*, c_int) XDrawImageString16;
1216 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) XDrawImageString;
1217 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, XArc*, c_int) XDrawArcs;
1218 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) XDrawArc;
1219 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDisplayWidthMM;
1220 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDisplayWidth;
1221 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDisplayPlanes;
1222 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int*, c_int*) XDisplayKeycodes;
1223 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDisplayHeightMM;
1224 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDisplayHeight;
1225 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDisplayCells;
1226 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XDisableAccessControl;
1227 extern(C) Bool function(Screen*) XDoesSaveUnders;
1228 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XDoesBackingStore;
1229 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XDestroySubwindows;
1230 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XDestroyWindow;
1231 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Atom) XDeleteProperty;
1232 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Cursor) XDefineCursor;
1233 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XDefaultScreen;
1234 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XDefaultDepthOfScreen;
1235 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XDefaultDepth;
1236 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_ulong) XCopyPlane;
1237 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_ulong, GC) XCopyGC;
1238 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Drawable, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) XCopyArea;
1239 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Atom, Atom, Atom, Window, Time) XConvertSelection;
1240 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XConnectionNumber;
1241 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_uint, XWindowChanges*) XConfigureWindow;
1242 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XCloseDisplay;
1243 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XClearWindow;
1244 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, Bool) XClearArea;
1245 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XCirculateSubwindowsUp;
1246 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XCirculateSubwindowsDown;
1247 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_int) XCirculateSubwindows;
1248 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, Window, c_long, XEvent*) XCheckWindowEvent;
1249 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, Window, c_int, XEvent*) XCheckTypedWindowEvent;
1250 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, c_int, XEvent*) XCheckTypedEvent;
1251 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, c_long, XEvent*) XCheckMaskEvent;
1252 extern(C) Bool function(Display*, XEvent*, _BCD_func__1795, XPointer) XCheckIfEvent;
1253 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_ulong, XSetWindowAttributes*) XChangeWindowAttributes;
1254 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, c_int) XChangeSaveSet;
1255 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Atom, Atom, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int) XChangeProperty;
1256 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Bool, Bool, c_int, c_int, c_int) XChangePointerControl;
1257 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, c_int, KeySym*, c_int) XChangeKeyboardMapping;
1258 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_ulong, XKeyboardControl*) XChangeKeyboardControl;
1259 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, GC, c_ulong, XGCValues*) XChangeGC;
1260 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_uint, Cursor, Time) XChangeActivePointerGrab;
1261 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XCellsOfScreen;
1262 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XBitmapUnit;
1263 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XBitmapPad;
1264 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XBitmapBitOrder;
1265 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int) XBell;
1266 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XAutoRepeatOn;
1267 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XAutoRepeatOff;
1268 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, c_int, Time) XAllowEvents;
1269 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Colormap, const char*, XColor*, XColor*) XAllocNamedColor;
1270 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Colormap, Bool, c_ulong*, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_ulong*, c_ulong*, c_ulong*) XAllocColorPlanes;
1271 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Colormap, Bool, c_long*, c_uint, c_long*, c_uint) XAllocColorCells;
1272 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Colormap, XColor*) XAllocColor;
1273 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window) XAddToSaveSet;
1274 extern(C) c_int function(_XExtData**, XExtData*) XAddToExtensionList;
1275 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XHostAddress*, c_int) XAddHosts;
1276 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, XHostAddress*) XAddHost;
1277 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XActivateScreenSaver;
1278 extern(C) c_int function(Display*, Window, Window) XSetTransientForHint;
1279 extern(C) void function(char**) XFreeStringList;
1280 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Window*, c_int) XSetWMColormapWindows;
1281 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Window**, c_int*) XGetWMColormapWindows;
1282 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, char***, c_int*) XGetCommand;
1283 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, c_int) XWithdrawWindow;
1284 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, c_int) XIconifyWindow;
1285 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Atom*, c_int) XSetWMProtocols;
1286 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, Atom**, c_int*) XGetWMProtocols;
1287 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Window, c_int, c_uint, XWindowChanges*) XReconfigureWMWindow;
1288 extern(C) c_int* function(Display*, c_int, c_int*) XListDepths;
1289 extern(C) XPixmapFormatValues* function(Display*, c_int*) XListPixmapFormats;
1290 extern(C) XIOErrorHandler function(XIOErrorHandler) XSetIOErrorHandler;
1291 extern(C) XErrorHandler function(XErrorHandler) XSetErrorHandler;
1292 extern(C) c_int function(Screen*) XScreenNumberOfScreen;
1293 extern(C) c_long function(Screen*) XEventMaskOfScreen;
1294 extern(C) Screen* function(Display*) XDefaultScreenOfDisplay;
1295 extern(C) Screen* function(Display*, c_int) XScreenOfDisplay;
1296 extern(C) Display* function(Screen*) XDisplayOfScreen;
1297 extern(C) Colormap function(Screen*) XDefaultColormapOfScreen;
1298 extern(C) Colormap function(Display*, c_int) XDefaultColormap;
1299 extern(C) char* function(Display*) XDisplayString;
1300 extern(C) char* function(Display*) XServerVendor;
1301 extern(C) c_ulong function(Display*) XLastKnownRequestProcessed;
1302 extern(C) c_ulong function(Display*) XNextRequest;
1303 extern(C) c_ulong function(Screen*) XWhitePixelOfScreen;
1304 extern(C) c_ulong function(Screen*) XBlackPixelOfScreen;
1305 extern(C) c_ulong XAllPlanes();
1306 extern(C) c_ulong function(Display*, c_int) XWhitePixel;
1307 extern(C) c_ulong function(Display*, c_int) XBlackPixel;
1308 extern(C) GC function(Screen*) XDefaultGCOfScreen;
1309 extern(C) GC function(Display*, c_int) XDefaultGC;
1310 extern(C) Visual* function(Screen*) XDefaultVisualOfScreen;
1311 extern(C) Visual* function(Display*, c_int) XDefaultVisual;
1312 extern(C) Window function(Screen*) XRootWindowOfScreen;
1313 extern(C) Window function(Display*) XDefaultRootWindow;
1314 extern(C) Window function(Display*, c_int) XRootWindow;
1315 extern(C) XExtData** function(XEDataObject) XEHeadOfExtensionList;
1316 extern(C) XExtData* function(XExtData**, c_int) XFindOnExtensionList;
1317 extern(C) XExtCodes* function(Display*) XAddExtension;
1318 extern(C) XExtCodes* function(Display*, const char*) XInitExtension;
1319 extern(C) void function(Display*) XUnlockDisplay;
1320 extern(C) void function(Display*) XLockDisplay;
1321 extern(C) Status XInitThreads();
1322 extern(C) VisualID function(Visual*) XVisualIDFromVisual;
1323 extern(C) c_ulong function(Display*) XDisplayMotionBufferSize;
1324 extern(C) char* function(Screen*) XScreenResourceString;
1325 extern(C) char* function(Display*) XResourceManagerString;
1326 extern(C) c_int function(Display*) XExtendedMaxRequestSize;
1327 extern(C) c_long function(Display*) XMaxRequestSize;
1328 extern(C) KeySym function(const char*) XStringToKeysym;
1329 extern(C) KeySym* function(Display*, KeyCode, c_int, c_int*) XGetKeyboardMapping;
1330 extern(C) KeySym function(XKeyEvent*, c_int) XLookupKeysym;
1331 extern(C) KeySym function(Display*, KeyCode, c_int) XKeycodeToKeysym;
1332 extern(C) XHostAddress* function(Display*, c_int*, Bool*) XListHosts;
1333 extern(C) Atom* function(Display*, Window, c_int*) XListProperties;
1334 extern(C) char** function(Display*, c_int*) XListExtensions;
1335 extern(C) char** function(Display*, c_int*) XGetFontPath;
1336 extern(C) char** function(Display*, const char*, c_int, c_int*, XFontStruct**) XListFontsWithInfo;
1337 extern(C) char** function(Display*, const char*, c_int, c_int*) XListFonts;
1338 extern(C) Colormap* function(Display*, Window, c_int*) XListInstalledColormaps;
1339 extern(C) Window function(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_uint, Visual*, c_ulong, XSetWindowAttributes*) XCreateWindow; 
1340 extern(C) Window function(Display*, Atom) XGetSelectionOwner;
1341 extern(C) Window function(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong) XCreateSimpleWindow;
1342 extern(C) Pixmap function(Display*, Drawable, char*, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong, c_uint) XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData;
1343 extern(C) Pixmap function(Display*, Drawable, const char*, c_uint, c_uint) XCreateBitmapFromData;
1344 extern(C) Pixmap function(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint) XCreatePixmap;
1345 extern(C) void function(Display*, GC) XFlushGC;
1346 extern(C) GContext function(GC) XGContextFromGC;
1347 extern(C) GC function(Display*, Drawable, c_ulong, XGCValues*) XCreateGC;
1348 extern(C) Font function(Display*, const char*) XLoadFont;
1349 extern(C) Cursor function(Display*, c_uint) XCreateFontCursor;
1350 extern(C) Cursor function(Display*, Font, Font, c_uint, c_uint, const XColor*, const XColor* ) XCreateGlyphCursor;
1351 extern(C) Cursor function(Display*, Pixmap, Pixmap, XColor*, XColor*, c_uint, c_uint) XCreatePixmapCursor;
1352 extern(C) Colormap function(Display*, Window, Visual*, c_int) XCreateColormap;
1353 extern(C) Colormap function(Display*, Colormap) XCopyColormapAndFree;
1354 extern(C) Status function(Display*, char**, c_int, Bool, Atom*) XInternAtoms;
1355 extern(C) Atom function(Display*, const char*, Bool) XInternAtom;
1356 extern(C) _BCD_func__894 function(Display*, _BCD_func__894) XSetAfterFunction;
1357 extern(C) _BCD_func__894 function(Display*, Bool) XSynchronize;
1358 extern(C) char* function(KeySym) XKeysymToString;
1359 extern(C) char* function(const char*) XDisplayName;
1360 extern(C) char* function(Display*, const char*, const char*) XGetDefault;
1361 extern(C) Status function(Display*, Atom*, c_int, char**) XGetAtomNames;
1362 extern(C) char* function(Display*, Atom) XGetAtomName;
1363 extern(C) char* function(Display*, c_int*, c_int) XFetchBuffer;
1364 extern(C) char* function(Display*, c_int*) XFetchBytes;
1365 extern(C) void XrmInitialize();
1366 extern(C) Display* function(const char*) XOpenDisplay;
1367 extern(C) XImage* function(Display*, Drawable, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_int, XImage*, c_int, c_int) XGetSubImage;
1368 extern(C) XImage* function(Display*, Drawable, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_int) XGetImage;
1369 extern(C) Status function(XImage*) XInitImage;
1370 extern(C) XImage* function(Display*, Visual*, c_uint, c_int, c_int, char*, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int) XCreateImage;
1371 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* function(c_int) XNewModifiermap;
1372 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* function(XModifierKeymap*, KeyCode, c_int) XInsertModifiermapEntry;
1373 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* function(Display*) XGetModifierMapping;
1374 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* function(XModifierKeymap*, KeyCode, c_int) XDeleteModifiermapEntry;
1375 extern(C) XTimeCoord* function(Display*, Window, Time, Time, c_int*) XGetMotionEvents;
1376 extern(C) XFontStruct* function(Display*, XID) XQueryFont;
1377 extern(C) XFontStruct* function(Display*, const char*) XLoadQueryFont;
1378 extern(C) extern c_int _Xdebug;
1379 extern(C) c_int function(char*, c_int) _Xmblen;"
1380 ));
1382 Symbol[] symbols;
1383 static this () {
1384     symbols = [
1385         Symbol("_Xwctomb",  cast(void**)& _Xwctomb),
1386         Symbol("_Xmbtowc",  cast(void**)& _Xmbtowc),
1387         Symbol("XSetAuthorization",  cast(void**)& XSetAuthorization),
1388         Symbol("XRemoveConnectionWatch",  cast(void**)& XRemoveConnectionWatch),
1389         Symbol("XAddConnectionWatch",  cast(void**)& XAddConnectionWatch),
1390         Symbol("XProcessInternalConnection",  cast(void**)& XProcessInternalConnection),
1391         Symbol("XInternalConnectionNumbers",  cast(void**)& XInternalConnectionNumbers),
1392         Symbol("XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback",  cast(void**)& XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback),
1393         Symbol("XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback",  cast(void**)& XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback),
1394         Symbol("XVaCreateNestedList",  cast(void**)& XVaCreateNestedList),
1395         Symbol("Xutf8LookupString",  cast(void**)& Xutf8LookupString),
1396         Symbol("XwcLookupString",  cast(void**)& XwcLookupString),
1397         Symbol("XmbLookupString",  cast(void**)& XmbLookupString),
1398         Symbol("XFilterEvent",  cast(void**)& XFilterEvent),
1399         Symbol("XIMOfIC",  cast(void**)& XIMOfIC),
1400         Symbol("XGetICValues",  cast(void**)& XGetICValues),
1401         Symbol("XSetICValues",  cast(void**)& XSetICValues),
1402         Symbol("Xutf8ResetIC",  cast(void**)& Xutf8ResetIC),
1403         Symbol("XmbResetIC",  cast(void**)& XmbResetIC),
1404         Symbol("XwcResetIC",  cast(void**)& XwcResetIC),
1405         Symbol("XUnsetICFocus",  cast(void**)& XUnsetICFocus),
1406         Symbol("XSetICFocus",  cast(void**)& XSetICFocus),
1407         Symbol("XDestroyIC",  cast(void**)& XDestroyIC),
1408         Symbol("XCreateIC",  cast(void**)& XCreateIC),
1409         Symbol("XLocaleOfIM",  cast(void**)& XLocaleOfIM),
1410         Symbol("XDisplayOfIM",  cast(void**)& XDisplayOfIM),
1411         Symbol("XSetIMValues",  cast(void**)& XSetIMValues),
1412         Symbol("XGetIMValues",  cast(void**)& XGetIMValues),
1413         Symbol("XCloseIM",  cast(void**)& XCloseIM),
1414         Symbol("XOpenIM",  cast(void**)& XOpenIM),
1415         Symbol("Xutf8DrawImageString",  cast(void**)& Xutf8DrawImageString),
1416         Symbol("XwcDrawImageString",  cast(void**)& XwcDrawImageString),
1417         Symbol("XmbDrawImageString",  cast(void**)& XmbDrawImageString),
1418         Symbol("Xutf8DrawString",  cast(void**)& Xutf8DrawString),
1419         Symbol("XwcDrawString",  cast(void**)& XwcDrawString),
1420         Symbol("XmbDrawString",  cast(void**)& XmbDrawString),
1421         Symbol("Xutf8DrawText",  cast(void**)& Xutf8DrawText),
1422         Symbol("XwcDrawText",  cast(void**)& XwcDrawText),
1423         Symbol("XmbDrawText",  cast(void**)& XmbDrawText),
1424         Symbol("Xutf8TextPerCharExtents",  cast(void**)& Xutf8TextPerCharExtents),
1425         Symbol("XwcTextPerCharExtents",  cast(void**)& XwcTextPerCharExtents),
1426         Symbol("XmbTextPerCharExtents",  cast(void**)& XmbTextPerCharExtents),
1427         Symbol("Xutf8TextExtents",  cast(void**)& Xutf8TextExtents),
1428         Symbol("XwcTextExtents",  cast(void**)& XwcTextExtents),
1429         Symbol("XmbTextExtents",  cast(void**)& XmbTextExtents),
1430         Symbol("Xutf8TextEscapement",  cast(void**)& Xutf8TextEscapement),
1431         Symbol("XwcTextEscapement",  cast(void**)& XwcTextEscapement),
1432         Symbol("XmbTextEscapement",  cast(void**)& XmbTextEscapement),
1433         Symbol("XExtentsOfFontSet",  cast(void**)& XExtentsOfFontSet),
1434         Symbol("XContextualDrawing",  cast(void**)& XContextualDrawing),
1435         Symbol("XDirectionalDependentDrawing",  cast(void**)& XDirectionalDependentDrawing),
1436         Symbol("XContextDependentDrawing",  cast(void**)& XContextDependentDrawing),
1437         Symbol("XLocaleOfFontSet",  cast(void**)& XLocaleOfFontSet),
1438         Symbol("XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet",  cast(void**)& XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet),
1439         Symbol("XFontsOfFontSet",  cast(void**)& XFontsOfFontSet),
1440         Symbol("XFreeFontSet",  cast(void**)& XFreeFontSet),
1441         Symbol("XCreateFontSet",  cast(void**)& XCreateFontSet),
1442         Symbol("XGetOCValues",  cast(void**)& XGetOCValues),
1443         Symbol("XSetOCValues",  cast(void**)& XSetOCValues),
1444         Symbol("XOMOfOC",  cast(void**)& XOMOfOC),
1445         Symbol("XDestroyOC",  cast(void**)& XDestroyOC),
1446         Symbol("XCreateOC",  cast(void**)& XCreateOC),
1447         Symbol("XLocaleOfOM",  cast(void**)& XLocaleOfOM),
1448         Symbol("XDisplayOfOM",  cast(void**)& XDisplayOfOM),
1449         Symbol("XGetOMValues",  cast(void**)& XGetOMValues),
1450         Symbol("XSetOMValues",  cast(void**)& XSetOMValues),
1451         Symbol("XCloseOM",  cast(void**)& XCloseOM),
1452         Symbol("XOpenOM",  cast(void**)& XOpenOM),
1453         Symbol("XSetLocaleModifiers",  cast(void**)& XSetLocaleModifiers),
1454         Symbol("XSupportsLocale",  cast(void**)& XSupportsLocale),
1455         Symbol("XWriteBitmapFile",  cast(void**)& XWriteBitmapFile),
1456         Symbol("XWindowEvent",  cast(void**)& XWindowEvent),
1457         Symbol("XWidthOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XWidthOfScreen),
1458         Symbol("XWidthMMOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XWidthMMOfScreen),
1459         Symbol("XWarpPointer",  cast(void**)& XWarpPointer),
1460         Symbol("XVendorRelease",  cast(void**)& XVendorRelease),
1461         Symbol("XUnmapWindow",  cast(void**)& XUnmapWindow),
1462         Symbol("XUnmapSubwindows",  cast(void**)& XUnmapSubwindows),
1463         Symbol("XUnloadFont",  cast(void**)& XUnloadFont),
1464         Symbol("XUninstallColormap",  cast(void**)& XUninstallColormap),
1465         Symbol("XUngrabServer",  cast(void**)& XUngrabServer),
1466         Symbol("XUngrabPointer",  cast(void**)& XUngrabPointer),
1467         Symbol("XUngrabKeyboard",  cast(void**)& XUngrabKeyboard),
1468         Symbol("XUngrabKey",  cast(void**)& XUngrabKey),
1469         Symbol("XUngrabButton",  cast(void**)& XUngrabButton),
1470         Symbol("XUndefineCursor",  cast(void**)& XUndefineCursor),
1471         Symbol("XTranslateCoordinates",  cast(void**)& XTranslateCoordinates),
1472         Symbol("XTextWidth16",  cast(void**)& XTextWidth16),
1473         Symbol("XTextWidth",  cast(void**)& XTextWidth),
1474         Symbol("XTextExtents16",  cast(void**)& XTextExtents16),
1475         Symbol("XTextExtents",  cast(void**)& XTextExtents),
1476         Symbol("XSync",  cast(void**)& XSync),
1477         Symbol("XStoreNamedColor",  cast(void**)& XStoreNamedColor),
1478         Symbol("XStoreName",  cast(void**)& XStoreName),
1479         Symbol("XStoreColors",  cast(void**)& XStoreColors),
1480         Symbol("XStoreColor",  cast(void**)& XStoreColor),
1481         Symbol("XStoreBytes",  cast(void**)& XStoreBytes),
1482         Symbol("XStoreBuffer",  cast(void**)& XStoreBuffer),
1483         Symbol("XSetWindowColormap",  cast(void**)& XSetWindowColormap),
1484         Symbol("XSetWindowBorderWidth",  cast(void**)& XSetWindowBorderWidth),
1485         Symbol("XSetWindowBorderPixmap",  cast(void**)& XSetWindowBorderPixmap),
1486         Symbol("XSetWindowBorder",  cast(void**)& XSetWindowBorder),
1487         Symbol("XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap",  cast(void**)& XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap),
1488         Symbol("XSetWindowBackground",  cast(void**)& XSetWindowBackground),
1489         Symbol("XSetTile",  cast(void**)& XSetTile),
1490         Symbol("XSetTSOrigin",  cast(void**)& XSetTSOrigin),
1491         Symbol("XSetSubwindowMode",  cast(void**)& XSetSubwindowMode),
1492         Symbol("XSetStipple",  cast(void**)& XSetStipple),
1493         Symbol("XSetState",  cast(void**)& XSetState),
1494         Symbol("XSetSelectionOwner",  cast(void**)& XSetSelectionOwner),
1495         Symbol("XSetScreenSaver",  cast(void**)& XSetScreenSaver),
1496         Symbol("XSetPointerMapping",  cast(void**)& XSetPointerMapping),
1497         Symbol("XSetPlaneMask",  cast(void**)& XSetPlaneMask),
1498         Symbol("XSetModifierMapping",  cast(void**)& XSetModifierMapping),
1499         Symbol("XSetLineAttributes",  cast(void**)& XSetLineAttributes),
1500         Symbol("XSetInputFocus",  cast(void**)& XSetInputFocus),
1501         Symbol("XSetIconName",  cast(void**)& XSetIconName),
1502         Symbol("XSetGraphicsExposures",  cast(void**)& XSetGraphicsExposures),
1503         Symbol("XSetFunction",  cast(void**)& XSetFunction),
1504         Symbol("XSetForeground",  cast(void**)& XSetForeground),
1505         Symbol("XSetFontPath",  cast(void**)& XSetFontPath),
1506         Symbol("XSetFont",  cast(void**)& XSetFont),
1507         Symbol("XSetFillStyle",  cast(void**)& XSetFillStyle),
1508         Symbol("XSetFillRule",  cast(void**)& XSetFillRule),
1509         Symbol("XSetDashes",  cast(void**)& XSetDashes),
1510         Symbol("XSetCommand",  cast(void**)& XSetCommand),
1511         Symbol("XSetCloseDownMode",  cast(void**)& XSetCloseDownMode),
1512         Symbol("XSetClipRectangles",  cast(void**)& XSetClipRectangles),
1513         Symbol("XSetClipOrigin",  cast(void**)& XSetClipOrigin),
1514         Symbol("XSetClipMask",  cast(void**)& XSetClipMask),
1515         Symbol("XSetBackground",  cast(void**)& XSetBackground),
1516         Symbol("XSetArcMode",  cast(void**)& XSetArcMode),
1517         Symbol("XSetAccessControl",  cast(void**)& XSetAccessControl),
1518         Symbol("XSendEvent",  cast(void**)& XSendEvent),
1519         Symbol("XSelectInput",  cast(void**)& XSelectInput),
1520         Symbol("XScreenCount",  cast(void**)& XScreenCount),
1521         Symbol("XRotateWindowProperties",  cast(void**)& XRotateWindowProperties),
1522         Symbol("XRotateBuffers",  cast(void**)& XRotateBuffers),
1523         Symbol("XRestackWindows",  cast(void**)& XRestackWindows),
1524         Symbol("XResizeWindow",  cast(void**)& XResizeWindow),
1525         Symbol("XResetScreenSaver",  cast(void**)& XResetScreenSaver),
1526         Symbol("XReparentWindow",  cast(void**)& XReparentWindow),
1527         Symbol("XRemoveHosts",  cast(void**)& XRemoveHosts),
1528         Symbol("XRemoveHost",  cast(void**)& XRemoveHost),
1529         Symbol("XRemoveFromSaveSet",  cast(void**)& XRemoveFromSaveSet),
1530         Symbol("XRefreshKeyboardMapping",  cast(void**)& XRefreshKeyboardMapping),
1531         Symbol("XRecolorCursor",  cast(void**)& XRecolorCursor),
1532         Symbol("XRebindKeysym",  cast(void**)& XRebindKeysym),
1533         Symbol("XReadBitmapFileData",  cast(void**)& XReadBitmapFileData),
1534         Symbol("XReadBitmapFile",  cast(void**)& XReadBitmapFile),
1535         Symbol("XRaiseWindow",  cast(void**)& XRaiseWindow),
1536         Symbol("XQueryTree",  cast(void**)& XQueryTree),
1537         Symbol("XQueryTextExtents16",  cast(void**)& XQueryTextExtents16),
1538         Symbol("XQueryTextExtents",  cast(void**)& XQueryTextExtents),
1539         Symbol("XQueryPointer",  cast(void**)& XQueryPointer),
1540         Symbol("XQueryKeymap",  cast(void**)& XQueryKeymap),
1541         Symbol("XQueryExtension",  cast(void**)& XQueryExtension),
1542         Symbol("XQueryColors",  cast(void**)& XQueryColors),
1543         Symbol("XQueryColor",  cast(void**)& XQueryColor),
1544         Symbol("XQueryBestTile",  cast(void**)& XQueryBestTile),
1545         Symbol("XQueryBestStipple",  cast(void**)& XQueryBestStipple),
1546         Symbol("XQueryBestSize",  cast(void**)& XQueryBestSize),
1547         Symbol("XQueryBestCursor",  cast(void**)& XQueryBestCursor),
1548         Symbol("XQLength",  cast(void**)& XQLength),
1549         Symbol("XPutImage",  cast(void**)& XPutImage),
1550         Symbol("XPutBackEvent",  cast(void**)& XPutBackEvent),
1551         Symbol("XProtocolVersion",  cast(void**)& XProtocolVersion),
1552         Symbol("XProtocolRevision",  cast(void**)& XProtocolRevision),
1553         Symbol("XPlanesOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XPlanesOfScreen),
1554         Symbol("XPending",  cast(void**)& XPending),
1555         Symbol("XPeekIfEvent",  cast(void**)& XPeekIfEvent),
1556         Symbol("XPeekEvent",  cast(void**)& XPeekEvent),
1557         Symbol("XParseGeometry",  cast(void**)& XParseGeometry),
1558         Symbol("XParseColor",  cast(void**)& XParseColor),
1559         Symbol("XNoOp",  cast(void**)& XNoOp),
1560         Symbol("XNextEvent",  cast(void**)& XNextEvent),
1561         Symbol("XMoveWindow",  cast(void**)& XMoveWindow),
1562         Symbol("XMoveResizeWindow",  cast(void**)& XMoveResizeWindow),
1563         Symbol("XMinCmapsOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XMinCmapsOfScreen),
1564         Symbol("XMaxCmapsOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XMaxCmapsOfScreen),
1565         Symbol("XMaskEvent",  cast(void**)& XMaskEvent),
1566         Symbol("XMapWindow",  cast(void**)& XMapWindow),
1567         Symbol("XMapSubwindows",  cast(void**)& XMapSubwindows),
1568         Symbol("XMapRaised",  cast(void**)& XMapRaised),
1569         Symbol("XLowerWindow",  cast(void**)& XLowerWindow),
1570         Symbol("XLookupColor",  cast(void**)& XLookupColor),
1571         Symbol("XKillClient",  cast(void**)& XKillClient),
1572         Symbol("XKeysymToKeycode",  cast(void**)& XKeysymToKeycode),
1573         Symbol("XInstallColormap",  cast(void**)& XInstallColormap),
1574         Symbol("XImageByteOrder",  cast(void**)& XImageByteOrder),
1575         Symbol("XIfEvent",  cast(void**)& XIfEvent),
1576         Symbol("XHeightOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XHeightOfScreen),
1577         Symbol("XHeightMMOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XHeightMMOfScreen),
1578         Symbol("XGrabServer",  cast(void**)& XGrabServer),
1579         Symbol("XGrabPointer",  cast(void**)& XGrabPointer),
1580         Symbol("XGrabKeyboard",  cast(void**)& XGrabKeyboard),
1581         Symbol("XGrabKey",  cast(void**)& XGrabKey),
1582         Symbol("XGrabButton",  cast(void**)& XGrabButton),
1583         Symbol("XGetWindowAttributes",  cast(void**)& XGetWindowAttributes),
1584         Symbol("XGetWindowProperty",  cast(void**)& XGetWindowProperty),
1585         Symbol("XGetTransientForHint",  cast(void**)& XGetTransientForHint),
1586         Symbol("XGetScreenSaver",  cast(void**)& XGetScreenSaver),
1587         Symbol("XGetPointerMapping",  cast(void**)& XGetPointerMapping),
1588         Symbol("XGetPointerControl",  cast(void**)& XGetPointerControl),
1589         Symbol("XGetKeyboardControl",  cast(void**)& XGetKeyboardControl),
1590         Symbol("XGetInputFocus",  cast(void**)& XGetInputFocus),
1591         Symbol("XGetIconName",  cast(void**)& XGetIconName),
1592         Symbol("XGetGeometry",  cast(void**)& XGetGeometry),
1593         Symbol("XGetGCValues",  cast(void**)& XGetGCValues),
1594         Symbol("XGetFontProperty",  cast(void**)& XGetFontProperty),
1595         Symbol("XGetErrorText",  cast(void**)& XGetErrorText),
1596         Symbol("XGetErrorDatabaseText",  cast(void**)& XGetErrorDatabaseText),
1597         Symbol("XGeometry",  cast(void**)& XGeometry),
1598         Symbol("XFreePixmap",  cast(void**)& XFreePixmap),
1599         Symbol("XFreeModifiermap",  cast(void**)& XFreeModifiermap),
1600         Symbol("XFreeGC",  cast(void**)& XFreeGC),
1601         Symbol("XFreeFontPath",  cast(void**)& XFreeFontPath),
1602         Symbol("XFreeFontNames",  cast(void**)& XFreeFontNames),
1603         Symbol("XFreeFontInfo",  cast(void**)& XFreeFontInfo),
1604         Symbol("XFreeFont",  cast(void**)& XFreeFont),
1605         Symbol("XFreeExtensionList",  cast(void**)& XFreeExtensionList),
1606         Symbol("XFreeCursor",  cast(void**)& XFreeCursor),
1607         Symbol("XFreeColors",  cast(void**)& XFreeColors),
1608         Symbol("XFreeColormap",  cast(void**)& XFreeColormap),
1609         Symbol("XFree",  cast(void**)& XFree),
1610         Symbol("XForceScreenSaver",  cast(void**)& XForceScreenSaver),
1611         Symbol("XFlush",  cast(void**)& XFlush),
1612         Symbol("XFillRectangles",  cast(void**)& XFillRectangles),
1613         Symbol("XFillRectangle",  cast(void**)& XFillRectangle),
1614         Symbol("XFillPolygon",  cast(void**)& XFillPolygon),
1615         Symbol("XFillArcs",  cast(void**)& XFillArcs),
1616         Symbol("XFillArc",  cast(void**)& XFillArc),
1617         Symbol("XFetchName",  cast(void**)& XFetchName),
1618         Symbol("XEventsQueued",  cast(void**)& XEventsQueued),
1619         Symbol("XEnableAccessControl",  cast(void**)& XEnableAccessControl),
1620         Symbol("XDrawText16",  cast(void**)& XDrawText16),
1621         Symbol("XDrawText",  cast(void**)& XDrawText),
1622         Symbol("XDrawString16",  cast(void**)& XDrawString16),
1623         Symbol("XDrawString",  cast(void**)& XDrawString),
1624         Symbol("XDrawSegments",  cast(void**)& XDrawSegments),
1625         Symbol("XDrawRectangles",  cast(void**)& XDrawRectangles),
1626         Symbol("XDrawRectangle",  cast(void**)& XDrawRectangle),
1627         Symbol("XDrawPoints",  cast(void**)& XDrawPoints),
1628         Symbol("XDrawPoint",  cast(void**)& XDrawPoint),
1629         Symbol("XDrawLines",  cast(void**)& XDrawLines),
1630         Symbol("XDrawLine",  cast(void**)& XDrawLine),
1631         Symbol("XDrawImageString16",  cast(void**)& XDrawImageString16),
1632         Symbol("XDrawImageString",  cast(void**)& XDrawImageString),
1633         Symbol("XDrawArcs",  cast(void**)& XDrawArcs),
1634         Symbol("XDrawArc",  cast(void**)& XDrawArc),
1635         Symbol("XDisplayWidthMM",  cast(void**)& XDisplayWidthMM),
1636         Symbol("XDisplayWidth",  cast(void**)& XDisplayWidth),
1637         Symbol("XDisplayPlanes",  cast(void**)& XDisplayPlanes),
1638         Symbol("XDisplayKeycodes",  cast(void**)& XDisplayKeycodes),
1639         Symbol("XDisplayHeightMM",  cast(void**)& XDisplayHeightMM),
1640         Symbol("XDisplayHeight",  cast(void**)& XDisplayHeight),
1641         Symbol("XDisplayCells",  cast(void**)& XDisplayCells),
1642         Symbol("XDisableAccessControl",  cast(void**)& XDisableAccessControl),
1643         Symbol("XDoesSaveUnders",  cast(void**)& XDoesSaveUnders),
1644         Symbol("XDoesBackingStore",  cast(void**)& XDoesBackingStore),
1645         Symbol("XDestroySubwindows",  cast(void**)& XDestroySubwindows),
1646         Symbol("XDestroyWindow",  cast(void**)& XDestroyWindow),
1647         Symbol("XDeleteProperty",  cast(void**)& XDeleteProperty),
1648         Symbol("XDefineCursor",  cast(void**)& XDefineCursor),
1649         Symbol("XDefaultScreen",  cast(void**)& XDefaultScreen),
1650         Symbol("XDefaultDepthOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XDefaultDepthOfScreen),
1651         Symbol("XDefaultDepth",  cast(void**)& XDefaultDepth),
1652         Symbol("XCopyPlane",  cast(void**)& XCopyPlane),
1653         Symbol("XCopyGC",  cast(void**)& XCopyGC),
1654         Symbol("XCopyArea",  cast(void**)& XCopyArea),
1655         Symbol("XConvertSelection",  cast(void**)& XConvertSelection),
1656         Symbol("XConnectionNumber",  cast(void**)& XConnectionNumber),
1657         Symbol("XConfigureWindow",  cast(void**)& XConfigureWindow),
1658         Symbol("XCloseDisplay",  cast(void**)& XCloseDisplay),
1659         Symbol("XClearWindow",  cast(void**)& XClearWindow),
1660         Symbol("XClearArea",  cast(void**)& XClearArea),
1661         Symbol("XCirculateSubwindowsUp",  cast(void**)& XCirculateSubwindowsUp),
1662         Symbol("XCirculateSubwindowsDown",  cast(void**)& XCirculateSubwindowsDown),
1663         Symbol("XCirculateSubwindows",  cast(void**)& XCirculateSubwindows),
1664         Symbol("XCheckWindowEvent",  cast(void**)& XCheckWindowEvent),
1665         Symbol("XCheckTypedWindowEvent",  cast(void**)& XCheckTypedWindowEvent),
1666         Symbol("XCheckTypedEvent",  cast(void**)& XCheckTypedEvent),
1667         Symbol("XCheckMaskEvent",  cast(void**)& XCheckMaskEvent),
1668         Symbol("XCheckIfEvent",  cast(void**)& XCheckIfEvent),
1669         Symbol("XChangeWindowAttributes",  cast(void**)& XChangeWindowAttributes),
1670         Symbol("XChangeSaveSet",  cast(void**)& XChangeSaveSet),
1671         Symbol("XChangeProperty",  cast(void**)& XChangeProperty),
1672         Symbol("XChangePointerControl",  cast(void**)& XChangePointerControl),
1673         Symbol("XChangeKeyboardMapping",  cast(void**)& XChangeKeyboardMapping),
1674         Symbol("XChangeKeyboardControl",  cast(void**)& XChangeKeyboardControl),
1675         Symbol("XChangeGC",  cast(void**)& XChangeGC),
1676         Symbol("XChangeActivePointerGrab",  cast(void**)& XChangeActivePointerGrab),
1677         Symbol("XCellsOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XCellsOfScreen),
1678         Symbol("XBitmapUnit",  cast(void**)& XBitmapUnit),
1679         Symbol("XBitmapPad",  cast(void**)& XBitmapPad),
1680         Symbol("XBitmapBitOrder",  cast(void**)& XBitmapBitOrder),
1681         Symbol("XBell",  cast(void**)& XBell),
1682         Symbol("XAutoRepeatOn",  cast(void**)& XAutoRepeatOn),
1683         Symbol("XAutoRepeatOff",  cast(void**)& XAutoRepeatOff),
1684         Symbol("XAllowEvents",  cast(void**)& XAllowEvents),
1685         Symbol("XAllocNamedColor",  cast(void**)& XAllocNamedColor),
1686         Symbol("XAllocColorPlanes",  cast(void**)& XAllocColorPlanes),
1687         Symbol("XAllocColorCells",  cast(void**)& XAllocColorCells),
1688         Symbol("XAllocColor",  cast(void**)& XAllocColor),
1689         Symbol("XAddToSaveSet",  cast(void**)& XAddToSaveSet),
1690         Symbol("XAddToExtensionList",  cast(void**)& XAddToExtensionList),
1691         Symbol("XAddHosts",  cast(void**)& XAddHosts),
1692         Symbol("XAddHost",  cast(void**)& XAddHost),
1693         Symbol("XActivateScreenSaver",  cast(void**)& XActivateScreenSaver),
1694         Symbol("XSetTransientForHint",  cast(void**)& XSetTransientForHint),
1695         Symbol("XFreeStringList",  cast(void**)& XFreeStringList),
1696         Symbol("XSetWMColormapWindows",  cast(void**)& XSetWMColormapWindows),
1697         Symbol("XGetWMColormapWindows",  cast(void**)& XGetWMColormapWindows),
1698         Symbol("XGetCommand",  cast(void**)& XGetCommand),
1699         Symbol("XWithdrawWindow",  cast(void**)& XWithdrawWindow),
1700         Symbol("XIconifyWindow",  cast(void**)& XIconifyWindow),
1701         Symbol("XSetWMProtocols",  cast(void**)& XSetWMProtocols),
1702         Symbol("XGetWMProtocols",  cast(void**)& XGetWMProtocols),
1703         Symbol("XReconfigureWMWindow",  cast(void**)& XReconfigureWMWindow),
1704         Symbol("XListDepths",  cast(void**)& XListDepths),
1705         Symbol("XListPixmapFormats",  cast(void**)& XListPixmapFormats),
1706         Symbol("XSetIOErrorHandler",  cast(void**)& XSetIOErrorHandler),
1707         Symbol("XSetErrorHandler",  cast(void**)& XSetErrorHandler),
1708         Symbol("XScreenNumberOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XScreenNumberOfScreen),
1709         Symbol("XEventMaskOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XEventMaskOfScreen),
1710         Symbol("XDefaultScreenOfDisplay",  cast(void**)& XDefaultScreenOfDisplay),
1711         Symbol("XScreenOfDisplay",  cast(void**)& XScreenOfDisplay),
1712         Symbol("XDisplayOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XDisplayOfScreen),
1713         Symbol("XDefaultColormapOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XDefaultColormapOfScreen),
1714         Symbol("XDefaultColormap",  cast(void**)& XDefaultColormap),
1715         Symbol("XDisplayString",  cast(void**)& XDisplayString),
1716         Symbol("XServerVendor",  cast(void**)& XServerVendor),
1717         Symbol("XLastKnownRequestProcessed",  cast(void**)& XLastKnownRequestProcessed),
1718         Symbol("XNextRequest",  cast(void**)& XNextRequest),
1719         Symbol("XWhitePixelOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XWhitePixelOfScreen),
1720         Symbol("XBlackPixelOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XBlackPixelOfScreen),
1721         Symbol("XAllPlanes",  cast(void**)& XAllPlanes),
1722         Symbol("XWhitePixel",  cast(void**)& XWhitePixel),
1723         Symbol("XBlackPixel",  cast(void**)& XBlackPixel),
1724         Symbol("XDefaultGCOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XDefaultGCOfScreen),
1725         Symbol("XDefaultGC",  cast(void**)& XDefaultGC),
1726         Symbol("XDefaultVisualOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XDefaultVisualOfScreen),
1727         Symbol("XDefaultVisual",  cast(void**)& XDefaultVisual),
1728         Symbol("XRootWindowOfScreen",  cast(void**)& XRootWindowOfScreen),
1729         Symbol("XDefaultRootWindow",  cast(void**)& XDefaultRootWindow),
1730         Symbol("XRootWindow",  cast(void**)& XRootWindow),
1731         Symbol("XEHeadOfExtensionList",  cast(void**)& XEHeadOfExtensionList),
1732         Symbol("XFindOnExtensionList",  cast(void**)& XFindOnExtensionList),
1733         Symbol("XAddExtension",  cast(void**)& XAddExtension),
1734         Symbol("XInitExtension",  cast(void**)& XInitExtension),
1735         Symbol("XUnlockDisplay",  cast(void**)& XUnlockDisplay),
1736         Symbol("XLockDisplay",  cast(void**)& XLockDisplay),
1737         Symbol("XInitThreads",  cast(void**)& XInitThreads),
1738         Symbol("XVisualIDFromVisual",  cast(void**)& XVisualIDFromVisual),
1739         Symbol("XDisplayMotionBufferSize",  cast(void**)& XDisplayMotionBufferSize),
1740         Symbol("XScreenResourceString",  cast(void**)& XScreenResourceString),
1741         Symbol("XResourceManagerString",  cast(void**)& XResourceManagerString),
1742         Symbol("XExtendedMaxRequestSize",  cast(void**)& XExtendedMaxRequestSize),
1743         Symbol("XMaxRequestSize",  cast(void**)& XMaxRequestSize),
1744         Symbol("XStringToKeysym",  cast(void**)& XStringToKeysym),
1745         Symbol("XGetKeyboardMapping",  cast(void**)& XGetKeyboardMapping),
1746         Symbol("XLookupKeysym",  cast(void**)& XLookupKeysym),
1747         Symbol("XKeycodeToKeysym",  cast(void**)& XKeycodeToKeysym),
1748         Symbol("XListHosts",  cast(void**)& XListHosts),
1749         Symbol("XListProperties",  cast(void**)& XListProperties),
1750         Symbol("XListExtensions",  cast(void**)& XListExtensions),
1751         Symbol("XGetFontPath",  cast(void**)& XGetFontPath),
1752         Symbol("XListFontsWithInfo",  cast(void**)& XListFontsWithInfo),
1753         Symbol("XListFonts",  cast(void**)& XListFonts),
1754         Symbol("XListInstalledColormaps",  cast(void**)& XListInstalledColormaps),
1755         Symbol("XCreateWindow",  cast(void**)& XCreateWindow),
1756         Symbol("XGetSelectionOwner",  cast(void**)& XGetSelectionOwner),
1757         Symbol("XCreateSimpleWindow",  cast(void**)& XCreateSimpleWindow),
1758         Symbol("XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData",  cast(void**)& XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData),
1759         Symbol("XCreateBitmapFromData",  cast(void**)& XCreateBitmapFromData),
1760         Symbol("XCreatePixmap",  cast(void**)& XCreatePixmap),
1761         Symbol("XFlushGC",  cast(void**)& XFlushGC),
1762         Symbol("XGContextFromGC",  cast(void**)& XGContextFromGC),
1763         Symbol("XCreateGC",  cast(void**)& XCreateGC),
1764         Symbol("XLoadFont",  cast(void**)& XLoadFont),
1765         Symbol("XCreateFontCursor",  cast(void**)& XCreateFontCursor),
1766         Symbol("XCreateGlyphCursor",  cast(void**)& XCreateGlyphCursor),
1767         Symbol("XCreatePixmapCursor",  cast(void**)& XCreatePixmapCursor),
1768         Symbol("XCreateColormap",  cast(void**)& XCreateColormap),
1769         Symbol("XCopyColormapAndFree",  cast(void**)& XCopyColormapAndFree),
1770         Symbol("XInternAtoms",  cast(void**)& XInternAtoms),
1771         Symbol("XInternAtom",  cast(void**)& XInternAtom),
1772         Symbol("XSetAfterFunction",  cast(void**)& XSetAfterFunction),
1773         Symbol("XSynchronize",  cast(void**)& XSynchronize),
1774         Symbol("XKeysymToString",  cast(void**)& XKeysymToString),
1775         Symbol("XDisplayName",  cast(void**)& XDisplayName),
1776         Symbol("XGetDefault",  cast(void**)& XGetDefault),
1777         Symbol("XGetAtomNames",  cast(void**)& XGetAtomNames),
1778         Symbol("XGetAtomName",  cast(void**)& XGetAtomName),
1779         Symbol("XFetchBuffer",  cast(void**)& XFetchBuffer),
1780         Symbol("XFetchBytes",  cast(void**)& XFetchBytes),
1781         Symbol("XrmInitialize",  cast(void**)& XrmInitialize),
1782         Symbol("XOpenDisplay",  cast(void**)& XOpenDisplay),
1783         Symbol("XGetSubImage",  cast(void**)& XGetSubImage),
1784         Symbol("XGetImage",  cast(void**)& XGetImage),
1785         Symbol("XInitImage",  cast(void**)& XInitImage),
1786         Symbol("XCreateImage",  cast(void**)& XCreateImage),
1787         Symbol("XNewModifiermap",  cast(void**)& XNewModifiermap),
1788         Symbol("XInsertModifiermapEntry",  cast(void**)& XInsertModifiermapEntry),
1789         Symbol("XGetModifierMapping",  cast(void**)& XGetModifierMapping),
1790         Symbol("XDeleteModifiermapEntry",  cast(void**)& XDeleteModifiermapEntry),
1791         Symbol("XGetMotionEvents",  cast(void**)& XGetMotionEvents),
1792         Symbol("XQueryFont",  cast(void**)& XQueryFont),
1793         Symbol("XLoadQueryFont",  cast(void**)& XLoadQueryFont),
1794         Symbol("_Xdebug",  cast(void**)& _Xdebug),
1795         Symbol("_Xmblen",  cast(void**)& _Xmblen)
1796     ];
1797 }
1799 } else { // version(DYNLINK)
1800 extern(C) c_int _Xwctomb(char*, wchar);
1801 extern(C) c_int _Xmbtowc(wchar*, char*, c_int);
1802 extern(C) void XSetAuthorization(char*, c_int, char*, c_int);
1803 extern(C) void XRemoveConnectionWatch(Display*, XConnectionWatchProc, XPointer);
1804 extern(C) Status XAddConnectionWatch(Display*, XConnectionWatchProc, XPointer);
1805 extern(C) void XProcessInternalConnection(Display*, c_int);
1806 extern(C) Status XInternalConnectionNumbers(Display*, c_int**, c_int*);
1807 extern(C) Bool XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, char*, char*, XIDProc, XPointer);
1808 extern(C) Bool XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, char*, char*, XIDProc, XPointer);
1809 extern(C) XVaNestedList XVaCreateNestedList(c_int, ...);
1810 extern(C) c_int Xutf8LookupString(XIC, XKeyPressedEvent*, char*, c_int, KeySym*, Status*);
1811 extern(C) c_int XwcLookupString(XIC, XKeyPressedEvent*, wchar*, c_int, KeySym*, Status*);
1812 extern(C) c_int XmbLookupString(XIC, XKeyPressedEvent*, char*, c_int, KeySym*, Status*);
1813 extern(C) Bool XFilterEvent(XEvent*, Window);
1814 extern(C) XIM XIMOfIC(XIC);
1815 extern(C) char* XGetICValues(XIC, ...);
1816 extern(C) char* XSetICValues(XIC, ...);
1817 extern(C) char* Xutf8ResetIC(XIC);
1818 extern(C) char* XmbResetIC(XIC);
1819 extern(C) wchar* XwcResetIC(XIC);
1820 extern(C) void XUnsetICFocus(XIC);
1821 extern(C) void XSetICFocus(XIC);
1822 extern(C) void XDestroyIC(XIC);
1823 extern(C) XIC XCreateIC(XIM, ...);
1824 extern(C) char* XLocaleOfIM(XIM);
1825 extern(C) Display* XDisplayOfIM(XIM);
1826 extern(C) char* XSetIMValues(XIM, ...);
1827 extern(C) char* XGetIMValues(XIM, ...);
1828 extern(C) Status XCloseIM(XIM);
1829 extern(C) XIM XOpenIM(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, char*, char*);
1830 extern(C) void Xutf8DrawImageString(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
1831 extern(C) void XwcDrawImageString(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const wchar*, c_int);
1832 extern(C) void XmbDrawImageString(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
1833 extern(C) void Xutf8DrawString(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
1834 extern(C) void XwcDrawString(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const wchar*, c_int);
1835 extern(C) void XmbDrawString(Display*, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
1836 extern(C) void Xutf8DrawText(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XmbTextItem*, c_int);
1837 extern(C) void XwcDrawText(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XwcTextItem*, c_int);
1838 extern(C) void XmbDrawText(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XmbTextItem*, c_int);
1839 extern(C) Status Xutf8TextPerCharExtents(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int*, XRectangle*, XRectangle*);
1840 extern(C) Status XwcTextPerCharExtents(XFontSet, const wchar*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int*, XRectangle*, XRectangle*);
1841 extern(C) Status XmbTextPerCharExtents(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int*, XRectangle*, XRectangle*);
1842 extern(C) c_int Xutf8TextExtents(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*);
1843 extern(C) c_int XwcTextExtents(XFontSet, const wchar*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*);
1844 extern(C) c_int XmbTextExtents(XFontSet, const char*, c_int, XRectangle*, XRectangle*);
1845 extern(C) c_int Xutf8TextEscapement(XFontSet, const char*, c_int);
1846 extern(C) c_int XwcTextEscapement(XFontSet, const wchar*, c_int);
1847 extern(C) c_int XmbTextEscapement(XFontSet, const char*, c_int);
1848 extern(C) XFontSetExtents* XExtentsOfFontSet(XFontSet);
1849 extern(C) Bool XContextualDrawing(XFontSet);
1850 extern(C) Bool XDirectionalDependentDrawing(XFontSet);
1851 extern(C) Bool XContextDependentDrawing(XFontSet);
1852 extern(C) char* XLocaleOfFontSet(XFontSet);
1853 extern(C) char* XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet(XFontSet);
1854 extern(C) c_int XFontsOfFontSet(XFontSet, XFontStruct***, char***);
1855 extern(C) void XFreeFontSet(Display*, XFontSet);
1856 extern(C) XFontSet XCreateFontSet(Display*, const char*, char***, c_int*, char**);
1857 extern(C) char* XGetOCValues(XOC, ...);
1858 extern(C) char* XSetOCValues(XOC, ...);
1859 extern(C) XOM XOMOfOC(XOC);
1860 extern(C) void XDestroyOC(XOC);
1861 extern(C) XOC XCreateOC(XOM, ...);
1862 extern(C) char* XLocaleOfOM(XOM);
1863 extern(C) Display* XDisplayOfOM(XOM);
1864 extern(C) char* XGetOMValues(XOM, ...);
1865 extern(C) char* XSetOMValues(XOM, ...);
1866 extern(C) Status XCloseOM(XOM);
1867 extern(C) XOM XOpenOM(Display*, _XrmHashBucketRec*, const char*, const char*);
1868 extern(C) char* XSetLocaleModifiers(const char*);
1869 extern(C) Bool XSupportsLocale();
1870 extern(C) c_int XWriteBitmapFile(Display*, const char*, Pixmap, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int);
1871 extern(C) c_int XWindowEvent(Display*, Window, c_long, XEvent*);
1872 extern(C) c_int XWidthOfScreen(Screen*);
1873 extern(C) c_int XWidthMMOfScreen(Screen*);
1874 extern(C) c_int XWarpPointer(Display*, Window, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int);
1875 extern(C) c_int XVendorRelease(Display*);
1876 extern(C) c_int XUnmapWindow(Display*, Window);
1877 extern(C) c_int XUnmapSubwindows(Display*, Window);
1878 extern(C) c_int XUnloadFont(Display*, Font);
1879 extern(C) c_int XUninstallColormap(Display*, Colormap);
1880 extern(C) c_int XUngrabServer(Display*);
1881 extern(C) c_int XUngrabPointer(Display*, Time);
1882 extern(C) c_int XUngrabKeyboard(Display*, Time);
1883 extern(C) c_int XUngrabKey(Display*, c_int, c_uint, Window);
1884 extern(C) c_int XUngrabButton(Display*, c_uint, c_uint, Window);
1885 extern(C) c_int XUndefineCursor(Display*, Window);
1886 extern(C) Bool XTranslateCoordinates(Display*, Window, Window, c_int, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, Window*);
1887 extern(C) c_int XTextWidth16(XFontStruct*, const XChar2b*, c_int);
1888 extern(C) c_int XTextWidth(XFontStruct*, const char*, c_int);
1889 extern(C) c_int XTextExtents16(XFontStruct*, const XChar2b*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*);
1890 extern(C) c_int XTextExtents(XFontStruct*, const char*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*);
1891 extern(C) c_int XSync(Display*, Bool);
1892 extern(C) c_int XStoreNamedColor(Display*, Colormap, const char*, c_ulong, c_int);
1893 extern(C) c_int XStoreName(Display*, Window, const char*);
1894 extern(C) c_int XStoreColors(Display*, Colormap, XColor*, c_int);
1895 extern(C) c_int XStoreColor(Display*, Colormap, XColor*);
1896 extern(C) c_int XStoreBytes(Display*, const char*, c_int);
1897 extern(C) c_int XStoreBuffer(Display*, const char*, c_int, c_int);
1898 extern(C) c_int XSetWindowColormap(Display*, Window, Colormap);
1899 extern(C) c_int XSetWindowBorderWidth(Display*, Window, c_uint);
1900 extern(C) c_int XSetWindowBorderPixmap(Display*, Window, Pixmap);
1901 extern(C) c_int XSetWindowBorder(Display*, Window, c_ulong);
1902 extern(C) c_int XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(Display*, Window, Pixmap);
1903 extern(C) c_int XSetWindowBackground(Display*, Window, c_ulong);
1904 extern(C) c_int XSetTile(Display*, GC, Pixmap);
1905 extern(C) c_int XSetTSOrigin(Display*, GC, c_int, c_int);
1906 extern(C) c_int XSetSubwindowMode(Display*, GC, c_int);
1907 extern(C) c_int XSetStipple(Display*, GC, Pixmap);
1908 extern(C) c_int XSetState(Display*, GC, c_ulong, c_ulong, c_int, c_ulong);
1909 extern(C) c_int XSetSelectionOwner(Display*, Atom, Window, Time);
1910 extern(C) c_int XSetScreenSaver(Display*, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int);
1911 extern(C) c_int XSetPointerMapping(Display*, const char*, c_int);
1912 extern(C) c_int XSetPlaneMask(Display*, GC, c_ulong);
1913 extern(C) c_int XSetModifierMapping(Display*, XModifierKeymap*);
1914 extern(C) c_int XSetLineAttributes(Display*, GC, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_int);
1915 extern(C) c_int XSetInputFocus(Display*, Window, c_int, Time);
1916 extern(C) c_int XSetIconName(Display*, Window, const char*);
1917 extern(C) c_int XSetGraphicsExposures(Display*, GC, Bool);
1918 extern(C) c_int XSetFunction(Display*, GC, c_int);
1919 extern(C) c_int XSetForeground(Display*, GC, c_ulong);
1920 extern(C) c_int XSetFontPath(Display*, char**, c_int);
1921 extern(C) c_int XSetFont(Display*, GC, Font);
1922 extern(C) c_int XSetFillStyle(Display*, GC, c_int);
1923 extern(C) c_int XSetFillRule(Display*, GC, c_int);
1924 extern(C) c_int XSetDashes(Display*, GC, c_int, const char*, c_int);
1925 extern(C) c_int XSetCommand(Display*, Window, char**, c_int);
1926 extern(C) c_int XSetCloseDownMode(Display*, c_int);
1927 extern(C) c_int XSetClipRectangles(Display*, GC, c_int, c_int, XRectangle*, c_int, c_int);
1928 extern(C) c_int XSetClipOrigin(Display*, GC, c_int, c_int);
1929 extern(C) c_int XSetClipMask(Display*, GC, Pixmap);
1930 extern(C) c_int XSetBackground(Display*, GC, c_ulong);
1931 extern(C) c_int XSetArcMode(Display*, GC, c_int);
1932 extern(C) c_int XSetAccessControl(Display*, c_int);
1933 extern(C) Status XSendEvent(Display*, Window, Bool, c_long, XEvent*);
1934 extern(C) c_int XSelectInput(Display*, Window, c_long);
1935 extern(C) c_int XScreenCount(Display*);
1936 extern(C) c_int XRotateWindowProperties(Display*, Window, Atom*, c_int, c_int);
1937 extern(C) c_int XRotateBuffers(Display*, c_int);
1938 extern(C) c_int XRestackWindows(Display*, Window*, c_int);
1939 extern(C) c_int XResizeWindow(Display*, Window, c_uint, c_uint);
1940 extern(C) c_int XResetScreenSaver(Display*);
1941 extern(C) c_int XReparentWindow(Display*, Window, Window, c_int, c_int);
1942 extern(C) c_int XRemoveHosts(Display*, XHostAddress*, c_int);
1943 extern(C) c_int XRemoveHost(Display*, XHostAddress*);
1944 extern(C) c_int XRemoveFromSaveSet(Display*, Window);
1945 extern(C) c_int XRefreshKeyboardMapping(XMappingEvent*);
1946 extern(C) c_int XRecolorCursor(Display*, Cursor, XColor*, XColor*);
1947 extern(C) c_int XRebindKeysym(Display*, KeySym, KeySym*, c_int, const char*, c_int);
1948 extern(C) c_int XReadBitmapFileData(const char*, c_uint*, c_uint*, char**, c_int*, c_int*);
1949 extern(C) c_int XReadBitmapFile(Display*, Drawable, const char*, c_uint*, c_uint*, Pixmap*, c_int*, c_int*);
1950 extern(C) c_int XRaiseWindow(Display*, Window);
1951 extern(C) Status XQueryTree(Display*, Window, Window*, Window*, Window**, c_uint*);
1952 extern(C) c_int XQueryTextExtents16(Display*, XID, const XChar2b*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*);
1953 extern(C) c_int XQueryTextExtents(Display*, XID, const char*, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, XCharStruct*);
1954 extern(C) Bool XQueryPointer(Display*, Window, Window*, Window*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_uint*);
1955 extern(C) c_int XQueryKeymap(Display*, char [32]);
1956 extern(C) Bool XQueryExtension(Display*, const char*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*);
1957 extern(C) c_int XQueryColors(Display*, Colormap, XColor*, c_int);
1958 extern(C) c_int XQueryColor(Display*, Colormap, XColor*);
1959 extern(C) Status XQueryBestTile(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*);
1960 extern(C) Status XQueryBestStipple(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*);
1961 extern(C) Status XQueryBestSize(Display*, c_int, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*);
1962 extern(C) Status XQueryBestCursor(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint*, c_uint*);
1963 extern(C) c_int XQLength(Display*);
1964 extern(C) c_int XPutImage(Display*, Drawable, GC, XImage*, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint);
1965 extern(C) c_int XPutBackEvent(Display*, XEvent*);
1966 extern(C) c_int XProtocolVersion(Display*);
1967 extern(C) c_int XProtocolRevision(Display*);
1968 extern(C) c_int XPlanesOfScreen(Screen*);
1969 extern(C) c_int XPending(Display*);
1970 extern(C) c_int XPeekIfEvent(Display*, XEvent*, _BCD_func__1795, XPointer);
1971 extern(C) c_int XPeekEvent(Display*, XEvent*);
1972 extern(C) c_int XParseGeometry(const char*, c_int*, c_int*, c_uint*, c_uint*);
1973 extern(C) Status XParseColor(Display*, Colormap, const char*, XColor*);
1974 extern(C) c_int XNoOp(Display*);
1975 extern(C) c_int XNextEvent(Display*, XEvent*);
1976 extern(C) c_int XMoveWindow(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int);
1977 extern(C) c_int XMoveResizeWindow(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint);
1978 extern(C) c_int XMinCmapsOfScreen(Screen*);
1979 extern(C) c_int XMaxCmapsOfScreen(Screen*);
1980 extern(C) c_int XMaskEvent(Display*, c_long, XEvent*);
1981 extern(C) c_int XMapWindow(Display*, Window);
1982 extern(C) c_int XMapSubwindows(Display*, Window);
1983 extern(C) c_int XMapRaised(Display*, Window);
1984 extern(C) c_int XLowerWindow(Display*, Window);
1985 extern(C) Status XLookupColor(Display*, Colormap, const char*, XColor*, XColor*);
1986 extern(C) c_int XKillClient(Display*, XID);
1987 extern(C) KeyCode XKeysymToKeycode(Display*, KeySym);
1988 extern(C) c_int XInstallColormap(Display*, Colormap);
1989 extern(C) c_int XImageByteOrder(Display*);
1990 extern(C) c_int XIfEvent(Display*, XEvent*, _BCD_func__1795, XPointer);
1991 extern(C) c_int XHeightOfScreen(Screen*);
1992 extern(C) c_int XHeightMMOfScreen(Screen*);
1993 extern(C) c_int XGrabServer(Display*);
1994 extern(C) c_int XGrabPointer(Display*, Window, Bool, c_uint, c_int, c_int, Window, Cursor, Time);
1995 extern(C) c_int XGrabKeyboard(Display*, Window, Bool, c_int, c_int, Time);
1996 extern(C) c_int XGrabKey(Display*, c_int, c_uint, Window, Bool, c_int, c_int);
1997 extern(C) c_int XGrabButton(Display*, c_uint, c_uint, Window, Bool, c_uint, c_int, c_int, Window, Cursor);
1998 extern(C) Status XGetWindowAttributes(Display*, Window, XWindowAttributes*);
1999 extern(C) c_int XGetWindowProperty(Display*, Window, Atom, c_long, c_long, Bool, Atom, Atom*, c_int*, c_ulong*, c_ulong*, char**);
2000 extern(C) Status XGetTransientForHint(Display*, Window, Window*);
2001 extern(C) c_int XGetScreenSaver(Display*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*);
2002 extern(C) c_int XGetPointerMapping(Display*, char*, c_int);
2003 extern(C) c_int XGetPointerControl(Display*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*);
2004 extern(C) c_int XGetKeyboardControl(Display*, XKeyboardState*);
2005 extern(C) c_int XGetInputFocus(Display*, Window*, c_int*);
2006 extern(C) Status XGetIconName(Display*, Window, char**);
2007 extern(C) Status XGetGeometry(Display*, Drawable, Window*, c_int*, c_int*, c_uint*, c_uint*, c_uint*, c_uint*);
2008 extern(C) Status XGetGCValues(Display*, GC, c_ulong, XGCValues*);
2009 extern(C) Bool XGetFontProperty(XFontStruct*, Atom, c_ulong*);
2010 extern(C) c_int XGetErrorText(Display*, c_int, char*, c_int);
2011 extern(C) c_int XGetErrorDatabaseText(Display*, const char*, const char*, const char*, char*, c_int);
2012 extern(C) c_int XGeometry(Display*, c_int, const char*, const char*, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*, c_int*);
2013 extern(C) c_int XFreePixmap(Display*, Pixmap);
2014 extern(C) c_int XFreeModifiermap(XModifierKeymap*);
2015 extern(C) c_int XFreeGC(Display*, GC);
2016 extern(C) c_int XFreeFontPath(char**);
2017 extern(C) c_int XFreeFontNames(char**);
2018 extern(C) c_int XFreeFontInfo(char**, XFontStruct*, c_int);
2019 extern(C) c_int XFreeFont(Display*, XFontStruct*);
2020 extern(C) c_int XFreeExtensionList(char**);
2021 extern(C) c_int XFreeCursor(Display*, Cursor);
2022 extern(C) c_int XFreeColors(Display*, Colormap, c_ulong*, c_int, c_ulong);
2023 extern(C) c_int XFreeColormap(Display*, Colormap);
2024 extern(C) c_int XFree(void*);
2025 extern(C) c_int XForceScreenSaver(Display*, c_int);
2026 extern(C) c_int XFlush(Display*);
2027 extern(C) c_int XFillRectangles(Display*, Drawable, GC, XRectangle*, c_int);
2028 extern(C) c_int XFillRectangle(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint);
2029 extern(C) c_int XFillPolygon(Display*, Drawable, GC, XPoint*, c_int, c_int, c_int);
2030 extern(C) c_int XFillArcs(Display*, Drawable, GC, XArc*, c_int);
2031 extern(C) c_int XFillArc(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int);
2032 extern(C) Status XFetchName(Display*, Window, char**);
2033 extern(C) c_int XEventsQueued(Display*, c_int);
2034 extern(C) c_int XEnableAccessControl(Display*);
2035 extern(C) c_int XDrawText16(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XTextItem16*, c_int);
2036 extern(C) c_int XDrawText(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, XTextItem*, c_int);
2037 extern(C) c_int XDrawString16(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const XChar2b*, c_int);
2038 extern(C) c_int XDrawString(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
2039 extern(C) c_int XDrawSegments(Display*, Drawable, GC, XSegment*, c_int);
2040 extern(C) c_int XDrawRectangles(Display*, Drawable, GC, XRectangle*, c_int);
2041 extern(C) c_int XDrawRectangle(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint);
2042 extern(C) c_int XDrawPoints(Display*, Drawable, GC, XPoint*, c_int, c_int);
2043 extern(C) c_int XDrawPoint(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int);
2044 extern(C) c_int XDrawLines(Display*, Drawable, GC, XPoint*, c_int, c_int);
2045 extern(C) c_int XDrawLine(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int);
2046 extern(C) c_int XDrawImageString16(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const XChar2b*, c_int);
2047 extern(C) c_int XDrawImageString(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
2048 extern(C) c_int XDrawArcs(Display*, Drawable, GC, XArc*, c_int);
2049 extern(C) c_int XDrawArc(Display*, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int);
2050 extern(C) c_int XDisplayWidthMM(Display*, c_int);
2051 extern(C) c_int XDisplayWidth(Display*, c_int);
2052 extern(C) c_int XDisplayPlanes(Display*, c_int);
2053 extern(C) c_int XDisplayKeycodes(Display*, c_int*, c_int*);
2054 extern(C) c_int XDisplayHeightMM(Display*, c_int);
2055 extern(C) c_int XDisplayHeight(Display*, c_int);
2056 extern(C) c_int XDisplayCells(Display*, c_int);
2057 extern(C) c_int XDisableAccessControl(Display*);
2058 extern(C) Bool XDoesSaveUnders(Screen*);
2059 extern(C) c_int XDoesBackingStore(Screen*);
2060 extern(C) c_int XDestroySubwindows(Display*, Window);
2061 extern(C) c_int XDestroyWindow(Display*, Window);
2062 extern(C) c_int XDeleteProperty(Display*, Window, Atom);
2063 extern(C) c_int XDefineCursor(Display*, Window, Cursor);
2064 extern(C) c_int XDefaultScreen(Display*);
2065 extern(C) c_int XDefaultDepthOfScreen(Screen*);
2066 extern(C) c_int XDefaultDepth(Display*, c_int);
2067 extern(C) c_int XCopyPlane(Display*, Drawable, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int, c_ulong);
2068 extern(C) c_int XCopyGC(Display*, GC, c_ulong, GC);
2069 extern(C) c_int XCopyArea(Display*, Drawable, Drawable, GC, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int);
2070 extern(C) c_int XConvertSelection(Display*, Atom, Atom, Atom, Window, Time);
2071 extern(C) c_int XConnectionNumber(Display*);
2072 extern(C) c_int XConfigureWindow(Display*, Window, c_uint, XWindowChanges*);
2073 extern(C) c_int XCloseDisplay(Display*);
2074 extern(C) c_int XClearWindow(Display*, Window);
2075 extern(C) c_int XClearArea(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, Bool);
2076 extern(C) c_int XCirculateSubwindowsUp(Display*, Window);
2077 extern(C) c_int XCirculateSubwindowsDown(Display*, Window);
2078 extern(C) c_int XCirculateSubwindows(Display*, Window, c_int);
2079 extern(C) Bool XCheckWindowEvent(Display*, Window, c_long, XEvent*);
2080 extern(C) Bool XCheckTypedWindowEvent(Display*, Window, c_int, XEvent*);
2081 extern(C) Bool XCheckTypedEvent(Display*, c_int, XEvent*);
2082 extern(C) Bool XCheckMaskEvent(Display*, c_long, XEvent*);
2083 extern(C) Bool XCheckIfEvent(Display*, XEvent*, _BCD_func__1795, XPointer);
2084 extern(C) c_int XChangeWindowAttributes(Display*, Window, c_ulong, XSetWindowAttributes*);
2085 extern(C) c_int XChangeSaveSet(Display*, Window, c_int);
2086 extern(C) c_int XChangeProperty(Display*, Window, Atom, Atom, c_int, c_int, const char*, c_int);
2087 extern(C) c_int XChangePointerControl(Display*, Bool, Bool, c_int, c_int, c_int);
2088 extern(C) c_int XChangeKeyboardMapping(Display*, c_int, c_int, KeySym*, c_int);
2089 extern(C) c_int XChangeKeyboardControl(Display*, c_ulong, XKeyboardControl*);
2090 extern(C) c_int XChangeGC(Display*, GC, c_ulong, XGCValues*);
2091 extern(C) c_int XChangeActivePointerGrab(Display*, c_uint, Cursor, Time);
2092 extern(C) c_int XCellsOfScreen(Screen*);
2093 extern(C) c_int XBitmapUnit(Display*);
2094 extern(C) c_int XBitmapPad(Display*);
2095 extern(C) c_int XBitmapBitOrder(Display*);
2096 extern(C) c_int XBell(Display*, c_int);
2097 extern(C) c_int XAutoRepeatOn(Display*);
2098 extern(C) c_int XAutoRepeatOff(Display*);
2099 extern(C) c_int XAllowEvents(Display*, c_int, Time);
2100 extern(C) Status XAllocNamedColor(Display*, Colormap, const char*, XColor*, XColor*);
2101 extern(C) Status XAllocColorPlanes(Display*, Colormap, Bool, c_ulong*, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_ulong*, c_ulong*, c_ulong*);
2102 extern(C) Status XAllocColorCells(Display*, Colormap, Bool, c_long*, c_uint, c_long*, c_uint);
2103 extern(C) Status XAllocColor(Display*, Colormap, XColor*);
2104 extern(C) c_int XAddToSaveSet(Display*, Window);
2105 extern(C) c_int XAddToExtensionList(_XExtData**, XExtData*);
2106 extern(C) c_int XAddHosts(Display*, XHostAddress*, c_int);
2107 extern(C) c_int XAddHost(Display*, XHostAddress*);
2108 extern(C) c_int XActivateScreenSaver(Display*);
2109 extern(C) c_int XSetTransientForHint(Display*, Window, Window);
2110 extern(C) void XFreeStringList(char**);
2111 extern(C) Status XSetWMColormapWindows(Display*, Window, Window*, c_int);
2112 extern(C) Status XGetWMColormapWindows(Display*, Window, Window**, c_int*);
2113 extern(C) Status XGetCommand(Display*, Window, char***, c_int*);
2114 extern(C) Status XWithdrawWindow(Display*, Window, c_int);
2115 extern(C) Status XIconifyWindow(Display*, Window, c_int);
2116 extern(C) Status XSetWMProtocols(Display*, Window, Atom*, c_int);
2117 extern(C) Status XGetWMProtocols(Display*, Window, Atom**, c_int*);
2118 extern(C) Status XReconfigureWMWindow(Display*, Window, c_int, c_uint, XWindowChanges*);
2119 extern(C) c_int* XListDepths(Display*, c_int, c_int*);
2120 extern(C) XPixmapFormatValues* XListPixmapFormats(Display*, c_int*);
2121 extern(C) XIOErrorHandler XSetIOErrorHandler(XIOErrorHandler);
2122 extern(C) XErrorHandler XSetErrorHandler(XErrorHandler);
2123 extern(C) c_int XScreenNumberOfScreen(Screen*);
2124 extern(C) c_long XEventMaskOfScreen(Screen*);
2125 extern(C) Screen* XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(Display*);
2126 extern(C) Screen* XScreenOfDisplay(Display*, c_int);
2127 extern(C) Display* XDisplayOfScreen(Screen*);
2128 extern(C) Colormap XDefaultColormapOfScreen(Screen*);
2129 extern(C) Colormap XDefaultColormap(Display*, c_int);
2130 extern(C) char* XDisplayString(Display*);
2131 extern(C) char* XServerVendor(Display*);
2132 extern(C) c_ulong XLastKnownRequestProcessed(Display*);
2133 extern(C) c_ulong XNextRequest(Display*);
2134 extern(C) c_ulong XWhitePixelOfScreen(Screen*);
2135 extern(C) c_ulong XBlackPixelOfScreen(Screen*);
2136 extern(C) c_ulong XAllPlanes();
2137 extern(C) c_ulong XWhitePixel(Display*, c_int);
2138 extern(C) c_ulong XBlackPixel(Display*, c_int);
2139 extern(C) GC XDefaultGCOfScreen(Screen*);
2140 extern(C) GC XDefaultGC(Display*, c_int);
2141 extern(C) Visual* XDefaultVisualOfScreen(Screen*);
2142 extern(C) Visual* XDefaultVisual(Display*, c_int);
2143 extern(C) Window XRootWindowOfScreen(Screen*);
2144 extern(C) Window XDefaultRootWindow(Display*);
2145 extern(C) Window XRootWindow(Display*, c_int);
2146 extern(C) XExtData** XEHeadOfExtensionList(XEDataObject);
2147 extern(C) XExtData* XFindOnExtensionList(XExtData**, c_int);
2148 extern(C) XExtCodes* XAddExtension(Display*);
2149 extern(C) XExtCodes* XInitExtension(Display*, const char*);
2150 extern(C) void XUnlockDisplay(Display*);
2151 extern(C) void XLockDisplay(Display*);
2152 extern(C) Status XInitThreads();
2153 extern(C) VisualID XVisualIDFromVisual(Visual*);
2154 extern(C) c_ulong XDisplayMotionBufferSize(Display*);
2155 extern(C) char* XScreenResourceString(Screen*);
2156 extern(C) char* XResourceManagerString(Display*);
2157 extern(C) c_int XExtendedMaxRequestSize(Display*);
2158 extern(C) c_long XMaxRequestSize(Display*);
2159 extern(C) KeySym XStringToKeysym(const char*);
2160 extern(C) KeySym* XGetKeyboardMapping(Display*, KeyCode, c_int, c_int*);
2161 extern(C) KeySym XLookupKeysym(XKeyEvent*, c_int);
2162 extern(C) KeySym XKeycodeToKeysym(Display*, KeyCode, c_int);
2163 extern(C) XHostAddress* XListHosts(Display*, c_int*, Bool*);
2164 extern(C) Atom* XListProperties(Display*, Window, c_int*);
2165 extern(C) char** XListExtensions(Display*, c_int*);
2166 extern(C) char** XGetFontPath(Display*, c_int*);
2167 extern(C) char** XListFontsWithInfo(Display*, const char*, c_int, c_int*, XFontStruct**);
2168 extern(C) char** XListFonts(Display*, const char*, c_int, c_int*);
2169 extern(C) Colormap* XListInstalledColormaps(Display*, Window, c_int*);
2170 extern(C) Window XCreateWindow(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_uint, Visual*, c_ulong, XSetWindowAttributes*); 
2171 extern(C) Window XGetSelectionOwner(Display*, Atom);
2172 extern(C) Window XCreateSimpleWindow(Display*, Window, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong);
2173 extern(C) Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(Display*, Drawable, char*, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_ulong, c_uint);
2174 extern(C) Pixmap XCreateBitmapFromData(Display*, Drawable, const char*, c_uint, c_uint);
2175 extern(C) Pixmap XCreatePixmap(Display*, Drawable, c_uint, c_uint, c_uint);
2176 extern(C) void XFlushGC(Display*, GC);
2177 extern(C) GContext XGContextFromGC(GC);
2178 extern(C) GC XCreateGC(Display*, Drawable, c_ulong, XGCValues*);
2179 extern(C) Font XLoadFont(Display*, const char*);
2180 extern(C) Cursor XCreateFontCursor(Display*, c_uint);
2181 extern(C) Cursor XCreateGlyphCursor(Display*, Font, Font, c_uint, c_uint, const XColor*, const XColor* );
2182 extern(C) Cursor XCreatePixmapCursor(Display*, Pixmap, Pixmap, XColor*, XColor*, c_uint, c_uint);
2183 extern(C) Colormap XCreateColormap(Display*, Window, Visual*, c_int);
2184 extern(C) Colormap XCopyColormapAndFree(Display*, Colormap);
2185 extern(C) Status XInternAtoms(Display*, char**, c_int, Bool, Atom*);
2186 extern(C) Atom XInternAtom(Display*, const char*, Bool);
2187 extern(C) _BCD_func__894 XSetAfterFunction(Display*, _BCD_func__894);
2188 extern(C) _BCD_func__894 XSynchronize(Display*, Bool);
2189 extern(C) char* XKeysymToString(KeySym);
2190 extern(C) char* XDisplayName(const char*);
2191 extern(C) char* XGetDefault(Display*, const char*, const char*);
2192 extern(C) Status XGetAtomNames(Display*, Atom*, c_int, char**);
2193 extern(C) char* XGetAtomName(Display*, Atom);
2194 extern(C) char* XFetchBuffer(Display*, c_int*, c_int);
2195 extern(C) char* XFetchBytes(Display*, c_int*);
2196 extern(C) void XrmInitialize();
2197 extern(C) Display* XOpenDisplay(const char*);
2198 extern(C) XImage* XGetSubImage(Display*, Drawable, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_int, XImage*, c_int, c_int);
2199 extern(C) XImage* XGetImage(Display*, Drawable, c_int, c_int, c_uint, c_uint, c_ulong, c_int);
2200 extern(C) Status XInitImage(XImage*);
2201 extern(C) XImage* XCreateImage(Display*, Visual*, c_uint, c_int, c_int, char*, c_uint, c_uint, c_int, c_int);
2202 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* XNewModifiermap(c_int);
2203 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* XInsertModifiermapEntry(XModifierKeymap*, KeyCode, c_int);
2204 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* XGetModifierMapping(Display*);
2205 extern(C) XModifierKeymap* XDeleteModifiermapEntry(XModifierKeymap*, KeyCode, c_int);
2206 extern(C) XTimeCoord* XGetMotionEvents(Display*, Window, Time, Time, c_int*);
2207 extern(C) XFontStruct* XQueryFont(Display*, XID);
2208 extern(C) XFontStruct* XLoadQueryFont(Display*, const char*);
2209 extern(C) extern c_int _Xdebug;
2210 extern(C) c_int _Xmblen(char*, c_int);
2211 } // version(DYNLINK)