1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7  *
8  * Contributors:
9  *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10  * Port to the D programming language:
11  *     Frank Benoit <benoit@tionex.de>
12  *******************************************************************************/
13 module org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextDropTargetEffect;
16 import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
17 import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND;
18 import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter;
19 import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEffect;
20 import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent;
21 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.FontMetrics;
22 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC;
23 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
24 import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle;
25 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
26 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
27 import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
28 import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextContent;
30 import java.lang.all;
32 /**
33  * This adapter class provides a default drag under effect (eg. select and scroll)
34  * when a drag occurs over a <code>StyledText</code>.
35  *
36  * <p>Classes that wish to provide their own drag under effect for a <code>StyledText</code>
37  * can extend this class, override the <code>StyledTextDropTargetEffect.dragOver</code>
38  * method and override any other applicable methods in <code>StyledTextDropTargetEffect</code> to
39  * display their own drag under effect.</p>
40  *
41  * Subclasses that override any methods of this class should call the corresponding
42  * <code>super</code> method to get the default drag under effect implementation.
43  *
44  * <p>The feedback value is either one of the FEEDBACK constants defined in
45  * class <code>DND</code> which is applicable to instances of this class,
46  * or it must be built by <em>bitwise OR</em>'ing together
47  * (that is, using the <code>int</code> "|" operator) two or more
48  * of those <code>DND</code> effect constants.
49  * </p>
50  * <p>
51  * <dl>
52  * <dt><b>Feedback:</b></dt>
54  * </dl>
55  * </p>
56  *
57  * @see DropTargetAdapter
58  * @see DropTargetEvent
59  * @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/">Sample code and further information</a>
60  *
61  * @since 3.3
62  */
63 public class StyledTextDropTargetEffect : DropTargetEffect {
64     static const int CARET_WIDTH = 2;
65     static const int SCROLL_HYSTERESIS = 100; // milli seconds
66     static const int SCROLL_TOLERANCE = 20; // pixels
68     int currentOffset = -1;
69     long scrollBeginTime;
70     int scrollX = -1, scrollY = -1;
71     Listener paintListener;
73     /**
74      * Creates a new <code>StyledTextDropTargetEffect</code> to handle the drag under effect on the specified
75      * <code>StyledText</code>.
76      *
77      * @param styledText the <code>StyledText</code> over which the user positions the cursor to drop the data
78      */
79     public this(StyledText styledText) {
80         super(styledText);
81         paintListener = new class() Listener {
82             public void handleEvent (Event event) {
83                 if (currentOffset !is -1) {
84                     StyledText text = cast(StyledText) getControl();
85                     Point position = text.getLocationAtOffset(currentOffset);
86                     int height = text.getLineHeight(currentOffset);
87                     event.gc.setBackground(event.display.getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_BLACK));
88                     event.gc.fillRectangle(position.x, position.y, CARET_WIDTH, height);
89                 }
90             }
91         };
92     }
94     /**
95      * This implementation of <code>dragEnter</code> provides a default drag under effect
96      * for the feedback specified in <code>event.feedback</code>.
97      *
98      * For additional information see <code>DropTargetAdapter.dragEnter</code>.
99      *
100      * Subclasses that override this method should call <code>super.dragEnter(event)</code>
101      * to get the default drag under effect implementation.
102      *
103      * @param event  the information associated with the drag start event
104      *
105      * @see DropTargetAdapter
106      * @see DropTargetEvent
107      */
108     public override void dragEnter(DropTargetEvent event) {
109         currentOffset = -1;
110         scrollBeginTime = 0;
111         scrollX = -1;
112         scrollY = -1;
113         getControl().removeListener(SWT.Paint, paintListener);
114         getControl().addListener (SWT.Paint, paintListener);
115     }
117     /**
118      * This implementation of <code>dragLeave</code> provides a default drag under effect
119      * for the feedback specified in <code>event.feedback</code>.
120      *
121      * For additional information see <code>DropTargetAdapter.dragLeave</code>.
122      *
123      * Subclasses that override this method should call <code>super.dragLeave(event)</code>
124      * to get the default drag under effect implementation.
125      *
126      * @param event  the information associated with the drag leave event
127      *
128      * @see DropTargetAdapter
129      * @see DropTargetEvent
130      */
131     public override void dragLeave(DropTargetEvent event) {
132         StyledText text = cast(StyledText) getControl();
133         if (currentOffset !is -1) {
134             refreshCaret(text, currentOffset, -1);
135         }
136         text.removeListener(SWT.Paint, paintListener);
137         scrollBeginTime = 0;
138         scrollX = -1;
139         scrollY = -1;
140     }
142     /**
143      * This implementation of <code>dragOver</code> provides a default drag under effect
144      * for the feedback specified in <code>event.feedback</code>.
145      *
146      * For additional information see <code>DropTargetAdapter.dragOver</code>.
147      *
148      * Subclasses that override this method should call <code>super.dragOver(event)</code>
149      * to get the default drag under effect implementation.
150      *
151      * @param event  the information associated with the drag over event
152      *
153      * @see DropTargetAdapter
154      * @see DropTargetEvent
155      * @see DND#FEEDBACK_SELECT
156      * @see DND#FEEDBACK_SCROLL
157      */
158     public override void dragOver(DropTargetEvent event) {
159         int effect = event.feedback;
160         StyledText text = cast(StyledText) getControl();
162         Point pt = text.getDisplay().map(null, text, event.x, event.y);
163         if ((effect & DND.FEEDBACK_SCROLL) is 0) {
164             scrollBeginTime = 0;
165             scrollX = scrollY = -1;
166         } else {
167             if (text.getCharCount() is 0) {
168                 scrollBeginTime = 0;
169                 scrollX = scrollY = -1;
170             } else {
171                 if (scrollX !is -1 && scrollY !is -1 && scrollBeginTime !is 0 &&
172                     (pt.x >= scrollX && pt.x <= (scrollX + SCROLL_TOLERANCE) ||
173                      pt.y >= scrollY && pt.y <= (scrollY + SCROLL_TOLERANCE))) {
174                     if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= scrollBeginTime) {
175                         Rectangle area = text.getClientArea();
176                         GC gc = new GC(text);
177                         FontMetrics fm = gc.getFontMetrics();
178                         gc.dispose();
179                         int charWidth = fm.getAverageCharWidth();
180                         int scrollAmount = 10*charWidth;
181                         if (pt.x < area.x + 3*charWidth) {
182                             int leftPixel = text.getHorizontalPixel();
183                             text.setHorizontalPixel(leftPixel - scrollAmount);
184                         }
185                         if (pt.x > area.width - 3*charWidth) {
186                             int leftPixel = text.getHorizontalPixel();
187                             text.setHorizontalPixel(leftPixel + scrollAmount);
188                         }
189                         int lineHeight = text.getLineHeight();
190                         if (pt.y < area.y + lineHeight) {
191                             int topPixel = text.getTopPixel();
192                             text.setTopPixel(topPixel - lineHeight);
193                         }
194                         if (pt.y > area.height - lineHeight) {
195                             int topPixel = text.getTopPixel();
196                             text.setTopPixel(topPixel + lineHeight);
197                         }
198                         scrollBeginTime = 0;
199                         scrollX = scrollY = -1;
200                     }
201                 } else {
202                     scrollBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + SCROLL_HYSTERESIS;
203                     scrollX = pt.x;
204                     scrollY = pt.y;
205                 }
206             }
207         }
209         if ((effect & DND.FEEDBACK_SELECT) !is 0) {
210             int[] trailing = new int [1];
211             int newOffset = text.getOffsetAtPoint(pt.x, pt.y, trailing, false);
212             newOffset += trailing [0];
213             if (newOffset !is currentOffset) {
214                 refreshCaret(text, currentOffset, newOffset);
215                 currentOffset = newOffset;
216             }
217         }
218     }
220     void refreshCaret(StyledText text, int oldOffset, int newOffset) {
221         if (oldOffset !is newOffset) {
222             if (oldOffset !is -1) {
223                 Point oldPos = text.getLocationAtOffset(oldOffset);
224                 int oldHeight = text.getLineHeight(oldOffset);
225                 text.redraw (oldPos.x, oldPos.y, CARET_WIDTH, oldHeight, false);
226             }
227             if (newOffset !is -1) {
228                 Point newPos = text.getLocationAtOffset(newOffset);
229                 int newHeight = text.getLineHeight(newOffset);
230                 text.redraw (newPos.x, newPos.y, CARET_WIDTH, newHeight, false);
231             }
232         }
233     }
235     /**
236      * This implementation of <code>dropAccept</code> provides a default drag under effect
237      * for the feedback specified in <code>event.feedback</code>.
238      *
239      * For additional information see <code>DropTargetAdapter.dropAccept</code>.
240      *
241      * Subclasses that override this method should call <code>super.dropAccept(event)</code>
242      * to get the default drag under effect implementation.
243      *
244      * @param event  the information associated with the drop accept event
245      *
246      * @see DropTargetAdapter
247      * @see DropTargetEvent
248      */
249     public override void dropAccept(DropTargetEvent event) {
250         if (currentOffset !is -1) {
251             StyledText text = cast(StyledText) getControl();
252             text.setSelection(currentOffset);
253             currentOffset = -1;
254         }
255     }
256 }