verticalAlignment specifies how controls will be positioned
vertically within a cell.
The default value is CENTER.
Possible values are: <ul>
<li>SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.TOP): Position the control at the top of the cell</li>
<li>SWT.CENTER: Position the control in the vertical center of the cell</li>
<li>SWT.END (or SWT.BOTTOM): Position the control at the bottom of the cell</li>
<li>SWT.FILL: Resize the control to fill the cell vertically</li>
verticalAlignment specifies how controls will be positioned vertically within a cell.
The default value is CENTER.
Possible values are: <ul> <li>SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.TOP): Position the control at the top of the cell</li> <li>SWT.CENTER: Position the control in the vertical center of the cell</li> <li>SWT.END (or SWT.BOTTOM): Position the control at the bottom of the cell</li> <li>SWT.FILL: Resize the control to fill the cell vertically</li> </ul>