Constructs a new instance of this class based on the information in the given untyped event.
the button that was pressed or released; 1 for the first button, 2 for the second button, and 3 for the third button, etc.
the state of the keyboard modifier keys at the time the event was generated
the widget-relative, x coordinate of the pointer at the time the mouse button was pressed or released
the widget-relative, y coordinate of the pointer at the time the mouse button was pressed or released
the number times the mouse has been clicked, as defined by the operating system; 1 for the first click, 2 for the second click and so on.
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.
Instances of this class are sent as a result of a drag gesture.
@see DragDetectListener @see <a href="">Sample code and further information</a>
@since 3.3