This implementation of <code>dragFinished</code> does nothing. For additional information see <code>DragSourceListener.dragFinished</code>.
This implementation of <code>dragSetData</code> does nothing. For additional information see <code>DragSourceListener.dragSetData</code>.
This implementation of <code>dragStart</code> permits the drag operation to start. For additional information see <code>DragSourceListener.dragStart</code>.
The user has begun the actions required to drag the widget. This event gives the application the chance to decide if a drag should be started.
The data is required from the drag source.
The drop has successfully completed(mouse up over a valid target) or has been terminated (such as hitting the ESC key). Perform cleanup such as removing data from the source side on a successful move operation.
This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the <code>DragSourceListener</code> interface.
<p>Classes that wish to deal with <code>DragSourceEvent</code>s can extend this class and override only the methods which they are interested in.</p>
@see DragSourceListener @see DragSourceEvent @see <a href="">Sample code and further information</a>