
* A TableTreeEditor is a manager for a Control that appears above a cell in a TableTree and tracks with the moving and resizing of that cell. It can be used to display a text widget above a cell in a TableTree so that the user can edit the contents of that cell. It can also be used to display a button that can launch a dialog for modifying the contents of the associated cell. * <p> Here is an example of using a TableTreeEditor: <code><pre> final TableTree tableTree = new TableTree(shell, SWT.FULL_SELECTION | SWT.HIDE_SELECTION); final Table table = tableTree.getTable(); TableColumn column1 = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE); TableColumn column2 = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE); for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) { TableTreeItem item = new TableTreeItem(tableTree, SWT.NONE); item.setText(0, "item " + i); item.setText(1, "edit this value"); for (int j = 0; j &lt; 3; j++) { TableTreeItem subitem = new TableTreeItem(item, SWT.NONE); subitem.setText(0, "subitem " + i + " " + j); subitem.setText(1, "edit this value"); } } column1.setWidth(100); column2.pack(); * final TableTreeEditor editor = new TableTreeEditor(tableTree); //The editor must have the same size as the cell and must //not be any smaller than 50 pixels. editor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT; editor.grabHorizontal = true; editor.minimumWidth = 50; // editing the second column final int EDITABLECOLUMN = 1; * tableTree.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { // Clean up any previous editor control Control oldEditor = editor.getEditor(); if (oldEditor !is null) oldEditor.dispose(); * // Identify the selected row TableTreeItem item = (TableTreeItem)e.item; if (item is null) return; * // The control that will be the editor must be a child of the Table Text newEditor = new Text(table, SWT.NONE); newEditor.setText(item.getText(EDITABLECOLUMN)); newEditor.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() { public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) { Text text = (Text)editor.getEditor(); editor.getItem().setText(EDITABLECOLUMN, text.getText()); } }); newEditor.selectAll(); newEditor.setFocus(); editor.setEditor(newEditor, item, EDITABLECOLUMN); } }); </pre></code> * @deprecated As of 3.1 use TreeEditor with Tree, TreeItem and TreeColumn

class TableTreeEditor : ControlEditor {
TableTree tableTree;
TableTreeItem item;
int column;
ControlListener columnListener;
TreeListener treeListener;


this(TableTree tableTree)

Creates a TableTreeEditor for the specified TableTree. * @param tableTree the TableTree Control above which this editor will be displayed *



alias setEditor = ControlEditor.setEditor

Specify the Control that is to be displayed and the cell in the table that it is to be positioned above. * <p>Note: The Control provided as the editor <b>must</b> be created with its parent being the Table control specified in the TableEditor constructor. * @param editor the Control that is displayed above the cell being edited @param item the TableItem for the row of the cell being tracked by this editor @param column the zero based index of the column of the cell being tracked by this editor


void dispose()

Removes all associations between the TableTreeEditor and the cell in the table tree. The TableTree and the editor Control are <b>not</b> disposed.

int getColumn()

Returns the zero based index of the column of the cell being tracked by this editor. * @return the zero based index of the column of the cell being tracked by this editor

TableTreeItem getItem()

Returns the TableTreeItem for the row of the cell being tracked by this editor. * @return the TableTreeItem for the row of the cell being tracked by this editor

Inherited Members

From ControlEditor

int horizontalAlignment;

Specifies how the editor should be aligned relative to the control. Allowed values are SWT.LEFT, SWT.RIGHT and SWT.CENTER. The default value is SWT.CENTER.

bool grabHorizontal;

Specifies whether the editor should be sized to use the entire width of the control. True means resize the editor to the same width as the cell. False means do not adjust the width of the editor. The default value is false.

int minimumWidth;

Specifies the minimum width the editor can have. This is used in association with a true value of grabHorizontal. If the cell becomes smaller than the minimumWidth, the editor will not made smaller than the minimum width value. The default value is 0.

int verticalAlignment;

Specifies how the editor should be aligned relative to the control. Allowed values are SWT.TOP, SWT.BOTTOM and SWT.CENTER. The default value is SWT.CENTER.

bool grabVertical;

Specifies whether the editor should be sized to use the entire height of the control. True means resize the editor to the same height as the underlying control. False means do not adjust the height of the editor. The default value is false.

int minimumHeight;

Specifies the minimum height the editor can have. This is used in association with a true value of grabVertical. If the control becomes smaller than the minimumHeight, the editor will not made smaller than the minimum height value. The default value is 0.

void dispose()

Removes all associations between the Editor and the underlying composite. The composite and the editor Control are <b>not</b> disposed.

Control getEditor()

Returns the Control that is displayed above the composite being edited. * @return the Control that is displayed above the composite being edited

void layout()

Lays out the control within the underlying composite. This method should be called after changing one or more fields to force the Editor to resize.

void setEditor(Control editor)

Specify the Control that is to be displayed. * <p>Note: The Control provided as the editor <b>must</b> be created with its parent being the Composite specified in the ControlEditor constructor. * @param editor the Control that is displayed above the composite being edited
