Creates an instance of <code>Printing</code>. Copies the widget content and rendering data that needs to be requested from listeners. </p> @param parent StyledText widget to print. @param printer printer device to print on. @param printOptions print options
Caches all line data that needs to be requested from a listener. </p> @param printerContent <code>StyledTextContent</code> to request line data for.
Copies the text of the specified <code>StyledTextContent</code>. </p> @param original the <code>StyledTextContent</code> to copy.
Disposes of the resources and the <code>PrintRenderer</code>.
Prints the lines in the specified page range.
Print header or footer decorations.
Print one segment of a header or footer decoration. Headers and footers have three different segments. One each for left aligned, centered, and right aligned text.
Starts a print job and prints the pages specified in the constructor.
The Printing class : printing of a range of text. An instance of <code>Printing</code> is returned in the StyledText#print(Printer) API. The run() method may be invoked from any thread.