
This runtime exception is thrown whenever a recoverable error occurs internally in SWT. The message text and error code provide a further description of the problem. The exception has a <code>throwable</code> field which holds the underlying exception that caused the problem (if this information is available (i.e. it may be null)). <p> SWTExceptions are thrown when something fails internally, but SWT is left in a known stable state (eg. a widget call was made from a non-u/i thread, or there is failure while reading an Image because the source file was corrupt). </p>

@see SWTError @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/">Sample code and further information</a>



Constructs a new instance of this class with its stack trace filled in. The error code is set to an unspecified value.

this(String message)

Constructs a new instance of this class with its stack trace and message filled in. The error code is set to an unspecified value. Specifying <code>null</code> as the message is equivalent to specifying an empty string.

this(int code)

Constructs a new instance of this class with its stack trace and error code filled in.

this(int code, String message)

Constructs a new instance of this class with its stack trace, error code and message filled in. Specifying <code>null</code> as the message is equivalent to specifying an empty string.



Throwable getCause()

Returns the underlying throwable that caused the problem, or null if this information is not available. <p> NOTE: This method overrides Throwable.getCause() that was added to JDK1.4. It is necessary to override this method in order for inherited printStackTrace() methods to work. </p> @return the underlying throwable

String getMessage()

Returns the string describing this SWTException object. <p> It is combined with the message string of the Throwable which caused this SWTException (if this information is available). </p> @return the error message string of this SWTException object

void printStackTrace()

Outputs a printable representation of this exception's stack trace on the standard error stream. <p> Note: printStackTrace(PrintStream) and printStackTrace(PrintWriter) are not provided in order to maintain compatibility with CLDC. </p>

Throwable throwable(Throwable e)

The underlying throwable that caused the problem, or null if this information is not available.


int code;

The SWT error code, one of SWT.ERROR_*.
