
Converts a java representation of data to a platform specific representation of the data.

<p>On a successful conversion, the transferData.result field will be set as follows: <ul> <li>Windows: COM.S_OK <li>Motif: 1 <li>GTK: 1 <li>Photon: 1 </ul></p>

<p>If this transfer agent is unable to perform the conversion, the transferData.result field will be set to a failure value as follows: <ul> <li>Windows: COM.DV_E_TYMED or COM.E_FAIL <li>Motif: 0 <li>GTK: 0 <li>Photon: 0 </ul></p>

@param object a java representation of the data to be converted; the type of Object that is passed in is dependent on the <code>Transfer</code> subclass.

@param transferData an empty TransferData object; this object will be filled in on return with the platform specific representation of the data

@exception org.eclipse.swt.SWTException <ul> <li>ERROR_INVALID_DATA - if object does not contain data in a valid format or is <code>null</code></li> </ul>

class Transfer
