
Returns the value of the property specified by the dispIdMember.

@param dispIdMember the ID of the property as specified by the IDL of the ActiveX Control; the value for the ID can be obtained using OleAutomation.getIDsOfNames

@param rgvarg an array of arguments for the method. All arguments are considered to be read only unless the Variant is a By Reference Variant type.

@param rgdispidNamedArgs an array of identifiers for the arguments specified in rgvarg; the parameter IDs must be in the same order as their corresponding values; all arguments must have an identifier - identifiers can be obtained using OleAutomation.getIDsOfNames

@return the value of the property specified by the dispIdMember or null

@since 2.0

  1. Variant getProperty(int dispIdMember)
  2. Variant getProperty(int dispIdMember, Variant[] rgvarg)
  3. Variant getProperty(int dispIdMember, Variant[] rgvarg, int[] rgdispidNamedArgs)
    class OleAutomation
